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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pirate Themed Birthday Party - Works For Me Wednesday

I am constantly getting visitors to my blog because they have Googled something about pirate birthday parties, treasure maps or pirate costumes. So I thought this Works For Me Wednesday I would put links to all the pirate posts in one place in case someone else has a little pirate in their home and would like to do a pirate themed party for them as well.

Last year my son Peter went through a huge pirate phase. He had begun playing with Mega Blocks Pyrates sets and was fascinated with anything pirate, so when it was time for Halloween he went as a pirate, of course.

I was very pleased with myself because I put together an awesome pirate costume for $6. Is he not just the cutest pirate ever?

His fifth birthday was in November and I had never done an official birthday party for him. We had always just done something with family but he wanted a party with friends this year. I think I went a little overboard (pun intended) with the pirate theme but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

I made a birthday cake shaped like a pirate ship. It was really easy and I was proud of how it turned out. Plus my son thought it was cool!

I also wanted to do a treasure hunt complete with treasure map and clues. I can't take credit for the clues because my husband wrote them. Too bad there's no money in treasure map clue writing...he could have a new career!

I think the kids had a great time and I know I had fun putting it all together. I hope these ideas help you out together a fantastic party for your little pirate.

Visit Rocks in My Dryer for more Works For Me Wednesday tips.

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jennwa said...

That was a great party, my kids love it. The cake was amazing.

Karen MEG said...

Wow, you are just cool, awesome parents!!!! I can't get over that cake and that treasure hunt!!!!

Mari said...

What fun! I had a big pirate in my house until she got married. Her bachalorette party was actually pirate themed!

the dragonfly said...

That all looks very fun. And I'm not kidding...sometime in the week after I found out I was having a boy I thought, "I can have a pirate birthday party someday!" I'm such a nerd.

Brittany said...

Wow! That looks like fun! :) What an amazing cake!

Family Adventure said...

Pirates and little boys are a match made in heaven. There is no doubt about it :)


Anonymous said...

that is too cute and the cake looks like it was professionally done. way to go. I just had my son's 3rd party and it was a cowboy theme. I plan to post something on this as well.

Carrie said...

Thank you thank you thank you. My almost 5YO DD has dictated a VeggieTales Pirate theme for her party. Very timely!

Bonnie said...

Am going to have to check all of these links out !! And then maybe give my son some hints about what sort of party her wants this year !

Kellan said...

I personally love all things Pirate and I think this is such a great theme for a party - you are so clever! Thanks for all the ideas - see you soon. Kellan

Queen of My Domain said...

What a great party. None of my kids have been huge pirate fans as of yet.

Delilah said...

My son has been obsessed with pirates for almost 3 years. We went to Panama City, Florida, where we went on a Pirate Boat adventure, he was 2 at the time, and ever since then he has love pirates. Believe it or not he dresses up in his many pirate costume everyday. His last two birthdays have been pirates. He will be 5 on March 11, and I told him this year we are doing something different. You have some great ideas, maybe next year, if he is still in to pirates, we will use some of them.

Magpie said...

that does sound like a sweet party.

Totallyscrappy said...

A few years ago my oldest had a pirate party and I tried to make a treasure box cake. It flopped and that started the now famous expression (at least in our family, anyway!) Real pirates eat trifle!!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Now THAT is very clever! How cool! Aye' Matey!

Maude Lynn said...

We did a pirate party for Baby Puppy's 4th birthday. I just ordered everything, though. I'm lame.

tommie said...

The whole thing look so cool! My three year old GIRL is the one who is into pirates now. I think it is from the Backyardigans! LOL I will have to hit up the dollar store. The costume she wants is almost $50!

Joanne@ Blessed... said...


So creative! I have yet to have a pirate party. I have had a princess party though. Remind me to tell you someday about the 'fishing' themed party I threw for my oldest son...the fish I was going to give away to the guests were floating belly up by the time the party ended.

The kids will never forget that party!

Blessings, Joanne

the mother of this lot said...

Sounds like a great party! Love the invitations!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

Great Party! We just finished a Rocket-themed party for my son's 4th b-day and may be doing pirates next year. It looks like you did all of the planning for me!