Today I would like to give you an update on Baby Gracie. She was born on March 7th and the doctors discovered that she had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome which essentially means that the left side of her heart was not there.
She was rushed to Duke Hospital in Durham, NC. The doctors performed the first of three surgeries that would be needed the first two years of her life. Two weeks after the surgery she was supposed to head home to recover.
Unfortunately, she did not recover as she should have and two and a half months later is still in the hospital at Duke. She coded multiple times, received a pacemaker and fought infections and swelling.
Three weeks ago the doctors placed her on the heart transplant list and Gracie and her parents began the long wait for a new heart.
This whole time, Todd and Amanda, Gracie's parents, have been continually asking for prayers for Gracie. Almost daily, they would post updates and specific prayer requests to Gracie's CaringBridge page. They have been asking people to pray for a new heart if that is God's will but they never stopped asking people to pray for healing of Gracie's own heart. They never stopped praying for a miracle.
And through all of this, Todd and Amanda have remained faithful to God. So faithful in fact, that they have been ministering to other families staying with them at the Ronald McDonald house that don't know God's love.
And on Friday, Amanda posted the following update:
"Dr. Jaggers came in and spoke to Todd and I. He SHOCKED us to say the least! Here, we've been waiting for a transplant and wondering if the transplant team had gotten any offers.
Well, today, Dr. Jaggers said that Gracie was IMPROVING and the decrease in her chest tubes may indicate that the VENTRICLE is relaxing and she is getting.......better!!!!
Now, we're not sure for sure--but here is how he explained it to us. BASED ON THE LAST FEW DAYS, Dr. Jaggers wants to see if this may be a turn to Gracie's own heart healing!
I asked him...."So, if you got a beautiful heart offer today, would you transplant her?" He said...not today. He explained that the transplant is a "last resort" and could be very risky on Baby Gracie. The chance of her surviving a transplant today may be 50/50 (but that's just the numbers). He explained that it is a VERY HARD call to make. She would not be off the list, but at this time, if she's looking BETTER, than he'd rather sit back and watch her the next few days to see if she improves....NOW WOULDN'T IT BE WONDERFUL IF SHE DOES???
This is a beautiful answer to thousands of prayers. Wouldn't it be a wonderful miracle if God indeed healed Gracie's heart?
Please continue to pray for Gracie's healing and if you have a moment, please go to her CaringBridge page and leave a comment. Todd and Amanda look forward to reading them every evening after they leave the hospital.
If you are going to participate in Miracle Monday this week, it's simple. Just post a miracle on your blog and link it back here using Mr. Linky below. Please mention "A Mom's Life" and my URL in your post. And if you want, you can use the Miracle Monday button in your post as well.
PLEASE NOTE - when linking make sure to link to your Miracle Monday post. Do not link to the front page of your blog. It is important that you link to the Miracle Monday post so that when others are reading your miracle in the future, the link will take them directly to your miracle and not to the front of your blog.For an explanation on how to do this, please check here. Or, you can always email me and I will be glad to help you. My email address is in my profile.
Have a great Miracle Monday and thanks for participating!
God is so good. I will pray that God will heal baby Gracie if it is his will. I know that this news brings hope for the family.
I do not know how I came across your blog today, but I am glad I did.
I am so glad Gracie is doing better. I can not wait for the update when Amanda and Todd say Grace is going home. My thoughts and prayers are with them everyday.
Miracle Monday is such a neat idea....
Sending prayers her way.....
I am praying for precious baby Gracie.
i am praying for that sweet little girl. (she shares the same name as my youngest girl).
What a story, that's a great idea to share this kind of thing.
Beautiful miracle, she will be in my prayers. I'd love to leave a comment, but for some reason it's denying me access to the page you linked to. I'll try it at home when I'm on a different network.
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