The turkeys at Peter's Thanksgiving celebration were a bit of a bust but the story and activity that we did were a hit!
I read There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie . The kids seemed excited to see what she was going to swallow next and most of them were sure that she was going to die.
Before I read it the second time, I gave each student a piece of the food that she had swallowed. And when I got to the part in the story about the food they were holding, they got to come up and put it in her mouth.
I made the old lady out of poster board and cut out the stomach and mouth.
I then cut the bottom out of a large freezer bag and tapped it to another large freezer bag. Then I taped them both to the back of the poster board where I had cut holes for the mouth and stomach. This way, when the kids put the food in the old lady's mouth it would drop into her stomach and they could see it.

I made the "food" out of clip art that I glued to index cards. I also wrote the name of the food item on the card to reinforce the spelling of the word.
Reinforce the spelling of the word? That sounds all kindergarten teachery doesn't it?
I wasn't sure how they would like this activity but they loved it! But I should have known it would be a big hit because I got the idea from Kristen's Kindergarten. Thanks Kristen!
You have missed your calling!! That is so cute and your little old lady looks great. I bet the kids loved it when it was their turn to "feed" her. Love your blog--you have a beautiful family.
Super cute. I did that with the Very Hungry Caterpillar story. Kids loved it. Cute props and ideas.
Wow that's great. What a neat way to reinforce spelling and keep the Kindergartener's interested.
what a great idea! I love this.. hands on learning works so well in our homeschooling :)
Very cool.
I bet the kids LOVED it!
What a neat activity.
woo rocked it. Looks like a ton of fun. thanks for sharing.
Have a great Thanksgiving, Beth!
That is such a great idea!! =)
that is ADORABLE! sounds like you may be enjoying this "work" now huh? I bet those kids had a blast...they are lucky to have you do this for them.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Beth and eat lots!
So cute sweetie, happy Thanksgiving.
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