"Bossy! You can't put that!" he exlaimed.
"Hmmmm...but you just proved that you really are bossy by telling me not to put that. And besides, it is MY blog and I can put anything I want on it. So na na na boo boo!" I taunted.
Sometimes it's fun being the mom.

Thanks for always making me smile, love you.
Too funny! Kids really can say the cutest things!
Funny! You tell Peter that post was great just the way you wrote it!
Sooo cute.
Just stopped by tonight to see how you (and the family) are doing. Seems like everyone is doing extremely well.
Have a great day Beth.
LOL!! well, you ARE right... :)
I love how he proves you right!
LOL! It's hard setting a good example sometimes!
LoL- I tell you what, sounds like Peter and my Gracie would be a matched pair.
Haha, that's too funny.
LOL Too funny! Reminds me of the last post I let my son read:
Did you really say na na na boo boo because I am so hoping you did!
Tag my blogging friend. :o)
LOL! Ah....being a parent and saying "na na na na boo boo," there's such a great ring to that :)
I have been known to resort to childish behavior myself at times. Okay lot's of times.
Ha, snort, that was great!
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