If you have never watched This Is Us and want to you MUST start at Season 1, Episode 1. Do not think you can just pick it up where ever. Start AT THE BEGINNING to get the full effect. And don't just think you will be sad through the whole thing. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will highly enjoy yourself!
Although I won't lie, after a couple of episodes last season I thought I was going to have to stop watching because I just couldn't handle it all. But I'm so glad I persevered.
Ok. Enough about that.
Dan got home last night at approximately 9:15 and was sound asleep in bed by 9:30. He was so exhausted. He was wide awake at 5:00 this morning but was still very tired. But, he soldiered into work where he is running a two day meeting with customers from Saudia Airlines. He will be taking his guests to dinner each night which means more late nights for him but at least he's home.
I have a ton of laundry to do and I've got to make some brownies for the 8th grade bake sale so I better get out of here.
Oh, and I need to start mentally preparing because there's another episode of This Is Us on tonight!
So happy your hubby is home!!!
I have not watched that show yet.
But everyone I know does!
Enjoy it.
And I can smell those brownies baking!!!!!
So glad he is home! I know that must make you very happy.
I binge-watched the first season when I was home (in Texas) last year with my friend and we loved it. Cried all the way through. I haven't seen Season Two yet - and would love to re-watch Season One before I do.
I was so comfy after the super bowl that I didn't budge when this is us came on. I watched a bit of it before I decided to drag my tired ass to bed. I agree - must watch from beginning. I was lost.
I love This is Us! I have 2 episodes to catch up on!
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