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Monday, March 10, 2008

Miracle Monday

It's time for another edition of Miracle Monday. I was excited by all the wonderful entries that were posted last week. It is truly a blessing to read about how wonderful God is.

My plan was to highlight one of those entries here for you this week, but instead, I have a prayer request.

I am a member of a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group. This group has truly been a blessing to me. I have made many wonderful friends through this group and can honestly say that I have more friends now that I live "out in the country" than I did when I lived in a large neighborhood in the big city of Charlotte.

Last night I received a call from Christy, the leader of our MOPS group. She was calling to let me know that Amanda, one of our members, had her baby. She had a beautiful little girl named Grace and she weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Unfortunately, her left ventricle did not develop, so essentially she was born with only half a heart. This was not detected during the pregnancy. The pediatrician discovered the problem after she was born.

She was airlifted to Duke University Medical Center last night for emergency surgery. The doctors have told the family that she will need at least 3 surgeries and that she will have a long hard road ahead.

I am hopeful that one of my future posts for Miracle Monday will be about Grace's healing. In the meantime, I am asking that you keep baby Grace and her family in your prayers. I know God can work a miracle with Grace. I know he can heal her broken heart.

Now it's your turn to post a miracle that God has already worked in your life or the life of someone you know. Please post your miracle on your website and include your link on Mr. Linky below.

Please make sure to mention Miracle Monday and give my website address so that others can come here and read all the miracles. Feel free to include the Miracle Monday button from the top of the page on your post.

I can't wait to read more wonderful stories of God's love!
***This edition of Miracle Monday is now closed. Thanks to all who partcipated! Please enjoy reading these miracles and come back next Monday for more.***

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Amy Wyatt said...

Oh Beth, I will be praying for this sweet family. I know that God cannot only heal our emotional broken hearts but our physical ones as well. The doctors said that Spencer had a hole in his heart when he was born and that he would not qualify for a transplant because there was too much other major organ damage. Praise the Lord, after our miracle, the hole was no longer there. Tell your friends to keep believing. I will pass this prayer request along.

Anonymous said...

Will be praying for Grace.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I have no miracle this week but this little girl and her family will be in my prayers.

the mother of this lot said...

Let's hope baby Grace turns out to be another of God's miracles!

Denise said...

I will be praying for precious baby Grace.

jennwa said...

Grace, Amanda and Todd are in my thoughts and prayers. I can not imagine how Amanda feels but I do know she has strong faith and that is helping her.

Andrea @ Mommy said...

This family will be on my heart and in my prayers!

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

Am hopeful for Baby Grace. Am confident in my God's ability to heal her. Am praying for the entire family.


AutoSysGene said...

I'll be praying for your friends child and I can't wait to see you write about her miracle.

bauer zoo said...

baby grace is in my prayers!

Melissa said...

HOpefully baby grace will be able to be another miricale! Great post.

elizabeth embracing life said...

Many prayers for this sweet baby girl. I know God is going to give this family a miracle. Blessings.

tommie said...

I loved my time in MOPS. I have been in two different groups. The support given there is second to none.

Christina said...

I will pray for baby Grace. I hope you will in fact be writing about her miracle very soon. I am going to request prayers for her from my blog too so people can come over here and read about your request. The more people praying the better.

Anonymous said...

I included my miracle Monday post in with my Ultimate Blog's not a story this week, but a scripture. We had a long ER visit this weekend too...Baby B has pneumonia for the second time and in the very same area that he had it once before. The docs are wanting to run tests...please keep him in your prayers...thank you!!! I'll post a story next week...In the meantime...Grace is on my prayer list

Bonnie said...

Have you seen THIS?
I was looking through this list and noticed yours ! Cool !

Amy Fox said...

WAIT! You closed the it. I was too busy yesterday too post. I guess I'll wait until next week. :)


Anonymous said...

I will be keeping Amanda and her family in our prayers.

La Familia Garcia said...

thanks for sharing miracles

Cathy, Amy and Kristina said...

Absolutely. And I have no doubt this baby will indeed become one of your miracles.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea Miracle Monday is ..

I just wanted to say my son (who is turning 5 next week) was born with a similar congenital heart defect, and I wanted to share with you my son's blog .. and if you like you can forward this on to this person.

When my son was diagnosed I sought positive stories or articles .. as it was so hard to find them .. and this helped to give me some hope for my son ...

Now look where he's at turning 5 !!!

Anyhow .. I digress .. the link in my name is to his blog ...

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

We will be praying for sweet little Grace. I am a member of my MOPS group and know what a wonderful support it is.