My kids love, love, love, LOVE Popsicles and in the summertime I indulge them almost everyday.
What’s a hot sticky day without a cool sweet Popsicle?
And almost as much as they love Popsicles, I hate the drippy mess they make. So last summer I got smart. I took one O-Cel-O sponge for each of my kids and cut a slit in the center of it.
Now when the kids want a Popsicle I wet one of these sponges, put the stick end of the Popsicle through the slit in the sponge and hand them their treat.
In addition to being a cheap, reusable and very effective drip catcher, the kids also have something to wipe their hands and mouths off on when they are finished eating. Then they toss the stick in the trash and the sponge in the sink.
The kids are happy. Mom is happy. Works for me!
For more Works For Me Wednesday tips, hints and tricks, head on over to Rocks In My Dryer.
What a cool idea!
You should submit this to Parent Hacks. Really.
OMG simple but brilliant!!!!!!!
This idea ROCKS! So clever!
Thanks for visiting me and commenting!
Now, that is SMART!
You could patent it and we could all say "we knew you when..."
Great tip!
Amazing idea, thanks so much for sharing!!
Great tip! I will often make my own popsicles (dd is allergic to food coloring). Last year I found these great popsicle molds at the Dollar General. The handle was designed to catch the drips. It also has a little built in straw so my kids can drink the juice.
Oh, wow! That is smart. My 1-year-old could (and would) defeat that, but I think the older kids would leave it alone.
Good idea.
Love this idea! We use bowls to catch drips that I then have to rinse. And then get out the wet wipes. Not doin' that anymore!
Smart idea! I love reusable things too. Have a nice week!
I thought my mother had a good idea of using cupcake liners as popsicle drip catchers. But I like yours, too, b/c the kids can wipe their sticky fingers. Thanks!
What an awesome idea. Thanks for the tip. I am definitely going to try this.
What an awesome idea. Thanks for the tip. I am definitely going to try this.
What a great idea! I am going to use that one!
Oooh, that's a really great idea!
That's really a great idea- I am going out to buy some popsicles and sponges!
Ingenius! All of my sponges are at the end of their life cycle, so I need to get more before trying this out. But try it I will!
I love this idea!
I'm putting this on my grocery list next time I go to the store! Thanks for the tip. You're so smart to think of this! :)
Okay I'm on my way to the dollar store. Even if my one year old takes it off he may leave it on for a little bit. Thanks!
Now, why didn't I think of that?! :)
Wow that is the coolest idea ever, next time I'm at the store I'm so going to make those.
Great idea! I'll try that out soon. I hate the sticky face and hands too...
GREAT idea!
Question--I'd imagine that by the time the popsicle was gone, the sponge would be too messy to use to wipe off their faces and hands, no?
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