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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Embedded Comments - Love It, Hate It, or Really Don't Care

I'm trying out the new embedded comment form in Blogger draft. So it should be easier for all of you to leave me a comment. Let me know if you like it or if you have any problems leaving a comment.

I hope it makes commenting here a little easier. Because you know me...I love me some comments!

post signature


jennwa said...

This is cool!

Mari said...

I love it!

Laural Out Loud said...

I didn't know this was an option! Love it.

Deanna said...

I love this!

Jaina said...

Ooooh this is fun. I don't mind either format, it's all pretty cool, I'm going to leave a comment regardless. I didn't even know embedded was an option. I may have to check into this.

Unknown said...

I didn't even know this was an option! It's a good thing I read your blog, I have so many techincal 'issues' that I figure out how to do here!

Mari said...

All right - I'm trying to figure this out. I don't see this option on my draft page. Can you help me?

Kelly said...

I like it, way easier!

Kellan said...

So far so good!

Nice to see you - Kellan

Valarie said... mean you can actually READ all of those updates and can do cool things like this once you do. Interesting...I kinda like it.

Suburban Correspondent said...

How do I get one?

Anonymous said...

This embedded comment thing is different than I'm used to, but not impossible.

Anonymous said...

This is snazzy (is that a word?)

Anonymous said...

I like it!