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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Overheard in Wal-Mart this morning...

I was cruising through Wal-Mart this morning, heading from the health and beauty section to the grocery section when I passed a man and a little girl who were just walking in the store.

The little girl's eyes got wide and she got a big smile on her face and said, "Ooooohhhh! We're in Target!"

I wanted to hug her and say, "Oh no sweetie. This is not Target!" and then explain all the differences between the two.

But instead I kept going.

Because everyone knows that if you are in Wal-Mart at 10:30 on a Saturday morning, you need to keep moving and you don't stop for anything.

Except maybe the free samples of ice cream sandwiches and hot dogs they were handing out in the main aisle.

De. Licious.

On the chip aisle, I encountered a teen aged girl and her mother. Her mom reached for the Great Value brand cheese puffs and said, "Here. How about these?"

The teenage girl promptly turned up her nose and said in a bit of a teen aged huff, "I don't won't those. They aren't name brand."

I wanted to pop that little twit upside the head and explain that all of the Great Value snacks taste exactly like the name brands and are so much cheaper.

But instead I just rolled my eyes, grabbed a bag of $1.00 Great Value pretzels and kept going.

Because everyone knows that if you are in Wal-Mart at 10:30 on a Saturday morning, you need to keep moving and you don't stop for anything.

Except maybe the full-sized slices of cheesecake they were giving out at the bakery.


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Suburban Correspondent said...

Hmmm....I've got to go find me a WalMart.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

First of all, I think you are a brave woman for heading into WalMart on a weekend!

And don't get me started on the differences between WalMart and Target.

Yeah that teenage girl will learn someday that it doesn't matter what label your cheese puffs are. ;)

Kelly said...

I just got back from Target. We needed, NEEDED, ice cream.

Laural Out Loud said...

Full size slices of cheesecake? That is almost enough to make me end my Walmart ban!

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry! Wal-Mart samples it is!!

Mari said...

They never give that kind of thing away when I'm there!
PS - per your recommendation I got some Fiber One bars. They are as good as you said - and yes - they do work!

Ann(ie) said...

HA! This is a good post. And I'm going to be at every Walmart in the city next weekend if we're talking full cheesecake slices. Although the Walmart near me is rather ghetto. I think you need to carry a weapon to ensure your safety. But, if we're talkin cheesecake.....I'd risk it. ;)

Deanna said...

You were in Wal-Mart on a Saturday morning? All I can say is... duck and cover, sister!

Anonymous said...

I miss living near a walmart!! Our closest is an hour away they took ours out and placed in a strip mall complete with a tiffanys, lacoste, burberry and nordstroms. *sigh* Totally not in the same range!

Brittany said...

Full-sized cheesecake slices!?!?! This is all I remember from this post... teehee :)

Rebekah said...

ohhhh, Cheesecake?? I'll stop for Cheese Cake!

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

Beyond so very true! And Walmart on the weekend? Sheesh, you are brave!

Casey said...

my Wal-Mart never has samples! I remember being like that as a teenager lol. teens are just snobby

Maude Lynn said...

Hey, my Walmart doesn't hand out cheesecake! What's up with that?

Tracy said...

Your posts always crack me up!!!
(And make me hungry!)

By the way, who heads to Walmart on a Saturday anyway? :)

Lisa said...

Love it! So true - Target & Walmart are NOT the same!!!

Jaina said...

Yeah, I'd have paused for those too. Though personally, I prefer Target. It's also closer to where I live.