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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I'm not strange, I'm unusual.

I'm not strange, I just prefer to think of some of the things that I do as unusual.

Yesterday morning after I woke up, I realized that the power had gone off over night. So I had to reset some of the clocks in the house.

Like most people, I have a clock on my stove and a clock on my microwave. The microwave is above the stove so each time I glance in that direction, I can see both the clocks at the same time.

It makes me twitch if the time on these two clocks doesn't match exactly.

So each time I set them, I set them at the same time - meaning I set the time on both then simultaneously press the button on the stove and the microwave so that the time is exactly the same.

I don't set one and then set the other. I set them both at the exact same time. This way, when one clock changes, the other clock changes, at exactly the same time.

I prefer to think of myself as unusual, not strange. Unusual sounds so much more exotic, don't you think?

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the dragonfly said...

I had to laugh at that one. :)

Not too much though...I have my quirks too!!

Melanie said...

Beth, I'm glad I'm not the only one that like things exact. And, yes... most definitely unusual! :)

Suburban Correspondent said...

Oh, dear, now it's gonna bug me, too.

Brittany said...

We have the SAME issue here! Our clocks have to all match. Sometimes, that means me in one room, hubby in the other, yelling "ok, NOW!" hahaha. Oh well. We are unusual!

Megan Cobb said...

Mysterious, even. A woman of great mystery and intrigue. For the record, I'd do the same thing if i could figure out how.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

You say potato I say poTATo...
Strange VS. OCD is a fine fine line... I've got a third clock in my kitchen, and I'm off to try your synchronizing trick!

Deanna said...

My six year old is the time keeper in our house. He has the same exact reaction if they don't match!

Christina said...

Thats so funny. I have a few unusual quirks myself so I could identify with this post.

Annikke said...

I am exactly the same way!

Sue Wilkey said...

..or "anal"...but "unusual" works too. I can go for a whole "daylight savings" without changing my car clock. That term is called "lazy".

Anonymous said...

My husband does the exact same thing with the clocks on either side of the bed!

Zaankali said...

So would I freak you out if I told you that there is a 3 minute difference from our bedroom clock and the kitchen clock?

meokha said...

every clock in my house tells a differnt time.. you have to judge what the exact time is by making additions or subtractions depending upon which room you are in!

MediMonsters said...

LOL--that's funny--not strange or unusual at all. I prefer the word "unique".

Stop by my blog to pick up your blogging award. I enjoy reading your blog. Congrats!!

Salute said...

I hate power failures and the reseting of clock. Too much work.

Unknown said...

I'm with you!

I hate it if they are out of sync!

Amy Jo said...

hmmm. that's actually a great idea! I havn't let that bother me in the past, but I bet it will now! I'll have to try the simultaneous thing soon in my own kitchen.

Mari said...

You may be a tinge OCD! That's ok though - I have my own issues!

jaime said...

dude. your stange.

lol! just kiddin! i used to always set all my clocks 4 mins faster here, 6 mins there...just so i would leave early to go to work. now that i don't work...i could care less.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Girl, you're hilarious. I have the same stinking issue. We are so not strange. Right?



duchess said...

Not OCD at all.
That's funny. I was just noticing today that every clock in our house has a different time on it & some need new batteries.
I'll fix them before you come over.;)

Don Mills Diva said...

I have my clocks in the same place and I like them to be exactly the same too!

I'm pretty exotic myself.

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

anal retentive, maybe.
OCD, perhaps.
quirky, possibly.

Unusual, definitely.


AlaneM said...

Love it!!!
I don't have issues with the clock but I have many other um, quirks.

Laural Out Loud said...

I start to twitch if my car clock doesn't match the time that NPR says it is.

And I will have my husband yell from the living room, where the DVR has the EXACT CORRECT TIME, when a minute changes, so that I can match our bedroom clock.

It may be "unusual", but it's comforting to know that everything is as it should be!

Lisa said...

that drives me bananas too. I can't ever seem to get them exactly in-sync though. I may have to try some Beth magic!!!!

Tina said...

I think this is a valid case of OCD.

My clocks don't match...I could put you in the nut house!

Jaina said...

Very exotic. And I'm the same way...I hate it when clocks don't match up.

Rebekah said...

That is totally normal. Why? Because I feel the EXACT same way.

In my job, I have several "times" displayed on my various computer screens. It drives me crazy because they are all different with in a two minute time frame. I can't change 3 of the times and I try my best to keep the others some what close.

It is very difficult to have the 911 print out with a time 2 minutes off of my dispatch radio. Looks like it took me two minutes to dispatch the call. Not Good.