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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Works For Me Wednesday - Getting Through The Checkout at Super Wal-Mart

When Dan and I were first married we had lots of money. We both had good jobs, we didn't have kids and we lived in a small condo.

I only bought my groceries at Harris Teeter. I turned up my nose at any other supermarket.

I only bought my sundries at Target. I turned up my nose at Wal-mart.

Then life happened. We bought a house. I had a baby. I started staying at home. And we didn't have as much money as before.

So my attitude had to change and I had to begin shopping at Super Wal-Mart.

And after 5 years of shopping at Super Wal-Mart, I must admit, I can't imagine paying those outrageous Harris Teeter prices ever again. But I will always hold a special place in my heart for Target and if I just need a couple of things and happen to be nearby, I will always choose Target over Wal-Mart. (Hey, a girl has got to splurge every now and then!)

During my years of Super Wal-Mart shopping, I have learned a little trick and I'm going to share it here today.

I always park on the non-grocery side of the store. I head in and pick up all of my non-grocery items and then head over to the grocery section to finish my shopping.

After I'm done shopping, I head back over to the non-grocery side to checkout. There are usually never any lines over there and if there are, the people ahead of me usually only have a couple of non-grocery items.

All the people with their baskets loaded down are piled up in the checkouts on the grocery side. I can quickly checkout and head to my car which is already parked on the non-grocery side of the store.

I know this sounds like a simple thing but you will be surprised at how quickly you can checkout of the Super Wal-mart - even on a busy Sunday afternoon. It may be simple, but it Works For Me!

For more tips and tricks, head on over to Rocks In My Dryer.

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Brittany said...

You are so right! We have found that trend to be the same at our wal-mart!

elizabeth embracing life said...

Turning up my nose, but I can't stand Walmart. I think it must be the one in our area. I was in one in New Jersey and was AMAZED at the prices. Shopped one here in Oregon and went running back to Target. I guess I must be a lously shopper in that I always buy the same brands, and the same kinds of stuff that I know a good price and believe me our Walmart was NOT it.

the dragonfly said...

Oh, how I miss shopping in the US...

jennwa said...

Thanks, I need all the help I can get when shopping at WaL mart.

Deanna said...

I'm with Elizabeth... I despise WalMart.

Amanda said...

I never shopped at Walmart until prices started going up.
I know what you mean though.

Anonymous said...

It makes us "feel good" to go to Target. I know exactly what you mean!!

Christina said...

We don't have a Super Walmart but I will keep this in mind if we ever get one. We don't have a Target either but they are opening on literally down the street from my house (walking distance) in Feb. Now why would they do that to me? At least I could save money on gas being the Walmart is a drive (all five of them).

Marlene McGarrity said...

We need a Super Wal-mart here in NYC.

Thanks for the tips.

Annikke said...

Good tip! Thanks for sharing that. I might have to give that a shot next time.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

You smart mama you!

This makes me chuckle because last night we stopped into HT as we call it. Now HT in Nashville is in the swanky old money antebellum home section of town (that would be on the way to my part of town...normal suburbia land.) It's soooo much more expensive. I wanted some zucchini but they only had organic and it was $1.99 a pound!!! But Corona Light was $10.99 for a 12 pack and ice cream was on sale, so it wasn't a total loss. ;)

Audra Krell said...

I don't go to Wal-Mart because of the outrageous check out lines. I will definitely try your tip - thanks for sharing!

Tina said...

I agree!! I just wish my Walmart would staff the registers at that end ALL the time...they don't. Boo.

Veggiemomof2 said...

Even better, if it's during the work week, I go through the garden center. :)

Grandma T said...

Wal-Mart is almost a necessity at times. However, I enjoy shopping for veggies at the old country store in town and the fruit stands. Always seem to get good buys at these places. I enjoy parking way on the other end of Wal-Mart - the garden shop area. It's always quiet down there and the extra steps are good for me! Happy shopping!!

Anonymous said...

We used to live in the city with the twice-voted "Busiest Wal-Mart in the Country" (I didn't even know there was such an award!!) and this was my survival guide to getting out in under 2 hours, even if I was only getting a few things.

We live in a large city now so I do most of my shopping at local groceries. But I always keep this tip in mind anytime I go back to visit the in-laws!

Unknown said...

I don't have a Super Walmart, but have found parking in the Garden Center area the best bet for me.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been in to Wal-Mart's yet, being 'new' here, and all that, I'm working my way around the stores. But let me see, I've done Target, JC Penny, Macy's, Nordstrums, Lord and Taylor, and Kohls, so I'm getting around :) And that was just today...

Personally, as a newbie in NY, I'm still surprised at how many shop assistants in Macys don't speak much english. Communication is kind of vital. I was asking how much a t-shirt was today and thought she said $14, but when she rang it up it turned out to be $40. I didn't buy it...:0

Thanks for the tips Beth!
bella x

Anonymous said...

When I lived in South Carolina (I'm now back in Philly, with no Super Walmarts), I would get to the Super Walmart before 8am on a Saturday - same great prices, no lines. Anyone up that early on a Saturday is on a MISSION, not chatting and blocking the aisles. It was great!

Jaina said...

I was a fan of Walmart once, when they first came out, but not so much anymore. I much prefer Target. But these are some great tips for the few times I DO end up at Walmart. We always park in the garden section when we go to Target and enter through much easier.

Elizabeth said...

I am like you, I prefer Target. BUT....there's not one close by and WalMart really causes me to be temperamental. I need to get a handle on that, lol!!

Tara said...

lol You sound just like me LOL Funny how life changes us.. Never thought I would be shopping at a Super Walmart either..and here I am lol You are right about the lines.. we do the same thing.. nothing is worse then standing in line with overflowing carts..a baby and a 3 1/2 year old boy.. touching everything.. in the aisle!!!!!!!!! lol Thanks for your post..

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

Oh man, our Super Walmart lines are busy on BOTH sides of the store no matter what day of the week no matter what time.