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Thursday, January 10, 2008

I didn't want to have to tell you this...

I didn't want to tell anyone this but I'm going to anyway.

I have started a diet.

I know, I know. You are probably thinking, So, who isn't? or I don't really care. But I guess I'm telling you more for me than for you.

I figure the more people I tell that I'm dieting, the less likely I will be to backslide. If I just tell my Mom and Jennifer that I'm doing it, when I quit after a week, no one will be the wiser and I can go back to eating ranch dip and Tostito's in bulk and it won't matter. I am hoping that since I've told you I will be forced to keep at it until I reach my goal. Otherwise I would have to come slinking back here and admit failure.

I love Jennifer but it can be hard being her BFF because she works out EVERY day and she drinks only WATER. She eats whatever she wants to eat because she knows that very shortly she will be jumping on the treadmill to work it off. She works out before the food even realizes it has made it into her body, much less decides it wants to take up permanent residence on her hips!

For some reason, when I am around her I feel like I ,too, can eat whatever I want to eat, whenever I want to eat it, with no repercussions. I guess I have packed on a few a lot of pounds in the last six months or so.

I didn't really feel compelled to loose weight though until I looked at this picture which was taken on Christmas morning.

O.k. now that you've seen it, please ignore the shiny face and the greasy hair. Instead, please focus on how thick my middle is. I don't remember ever being this thick through the middle.

Granted I am wearing a white shirt. White only exposes fat. It does absolutely nothing to hide it. I guess it's the next best thing to sitting around naked. So I guess this picture is just me and how I look. Which is the most disturbing thing to me...this is HOW I LOOK!

After seeing this picture, I decided that since it was the New Year and since everyone was doing it I might as well do it too. I am going to loose 12 pounds by Mother's Day and I expect you all to hold me to it!

I won't bore you with how hungry I am right now or with frequent weigh-ins (unless I can't think of anything else to write about!) but I will let you know periodically how I am doing.

I hope the picture hasn't scared you guys off and that you will continue to visit my blog. And when you do come back, please look at my profile photo and try to get the other picture out of your mind!


Mari said...

First of all I must say that I am proud of you for starting and for posting. However - I don't think you look "thick through the middle"! I look thick through the middle and I should be starting a diet. Good for you for doing it when you only need to lose 12 pounds!

Corey~living and loving said...

good for you! It really is best to get control of it...before it becomes such a daunting task.

I wish you well!

Tina said...

I'm here with you and for you!! As soon as I'm done with all this posting about Hawaii, I'll do a post similar to yours.

We'll have to support each other!

Robin hill farm said...

I don't think you look like you need to lose weight at all, but I know how you feel. It's depressing to be heavier than what you're used to. I wish you luck with your diet, and hope you reach your goal. I know you can do it!

Don Mills Diva said...

Good for you! You don't look at all overweight in that picture but I am a big believer in nipping weight gain in the bud - I am carrying about 8-9 pounds more than I should be right now - uggg.

Maude Lynn said...

I think that you look fine, but I know what you mean. When I'm carrying more weight than I'm used to, even a little, I feel sluggish. In fact, I'm thinking about trying a little dieting myself! Good luck!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Jennifer exercises daily and only drinks water? OH NO! How can that be with all those divine treats she's always making? :)

Good luck, I hope you lose 15 pounds quickly and swiftly!

Suburban Correspondent said...

12 pounds isn't much on a tall person - maybe you just need to do sit-ups? In your spare time, of course...

jennwa said...

We will work on this together. But you do not look fat. I do not even know what to comment,but you will hear from me later. Eat whatever I want, are you kidding? And I like water.

MadMad said...

Um... I have to say, if I looked that good Xmas morning, that would be my profile shot! Dude! Forget the diet, that's just your shirt there! Thanks for coming by my blog - I love meeting new bloggers!

Family Adventure said...
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Family Adventure said...

Well, I have to don't look *thick* at all to me.


I know that feeling of having put on weight. Even if noone else notices...I can feel it. If you are in the same situation, then I applaud your courage to publicize your decision. It does make it harder to back down.

Best of luck!! You can do it!!


Amy Fox said...

People who win at anything have written goals. Goals are simply what you are aiming at. Zig Ziglar said, "If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time."

That was taken from Dave Ramsey's site. See you are going to succeed.

You can do it! :)

What is up with water and Jennifer?? Does she add kool-aid packets to it? I couldn't do just straight water.

Annikke said...

Way to go! I started a diet this year .... I want to lose 20 lbs by August (my niece's wedding).

Kellan said...

I'm also going on a diet. We are going a cruise the end of April and I need to lose at least 10 lbs - okay, maybe 15! There - I said it too. Good luck to you and I'll be here to support you. Have a good weekend. Kellan

LindaSue said...

So cool that you have made yourself accountable to your readship! BTW - you look lovely in that picture but all women understand we have a mental picture of ourselves. Not trying to plug anything other than a good tool is totally free - a no gimmicks website that helps a lot of us stay accountable. Just a thought - I mean free is good right? (ask Pam!)

Megan Cobb said...

You are beautiful just the way you are but diet if it will make you feel better about yourself. I will cheer you on as I sit and eat ice cream and pickles. ;)

june cleaver said...

Ohhh, I feel for you sista! I started weight watchers but was so bla-bla about it... that was until I posted pictures of me in aprons on my blog. Holy Crap I was fat! I called my sister and said "Why didn't you tell me I was fat when you saw me last week?" Now I don't eat at all... I love weight starvers.

Valarie said...

Hey! You should cruise on over and check out My Rules of Dieting I posted on my blog... :)

Karen MEG said...

I don't see the thick middle myself, but then I think we're all our own worst critics. But that's great, diet is really where it's all at. I love to eat, and although I was blessed to be born skinny and mostly stayed that way, now that I'm ancient, my metabolism ain't what it used to be. So I've been forced to cut back on eating. Thank goodness I like my gym, which I try to get to at least twice a week. Which should be thrice.
Good luck with it... i'll be popping back in to cheer you on!

Pam said...

You go girl! We'll lose it together!