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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One step forward, two steps back.

As I mentioned, Sarah has a problem with pointing out other peoples "differences" in her loud voice in public. But after this episode at Wal-Mart, I informed her that she should wait until we are in the car to tell me about something she saw that might hurt someones feelings or if she absolutely couldn't wait until we were in the car, to whisper it in my ear.

Yesterday we were in McDonald's and a couple tables over sat a very corpulent man eating his super-sized fries. Sarah got a big grin on her face, stuck her mouth right up to my ear, pointed and whispered, "Look how big his belly his, Mommy!" I guess the pointing and whispering is somewhat better than an outright declaration. We just need to work on being a little more discreet! One step forward...

Later that afternoon we went to Jennifer's house to play. Peter got very mad at me when I told him to let one of the other neighbors who was there play on the computer. He pitched a fit of gigantic proportion. He screamed that he hated me and that I wasn't being fair. There was a lot of running around in circles, crying, rolling on the floor, you name it....he did it. This is coming from a FIVE year old...not a two year old.

So we left and when we got home Peter had to stay in his room until Daddy came home. Daddy proceeded to talk to Peter about his behavior. Not sure what was said but we will see if the confinement and the discussion did any good. One step back...

Then later in the evening when Dan was giving the kids their bath, I heard a lot of doors opening and closing. I headed up the steps with a basket of laundry surprised to find both kids in their rooms (45 minutes before their normal bedtime). Apparently they weren't doing what Daddy asked them to do the first time and were being punished with more time in their rooms. (We have been having a big problem lately with having to tell the kids over and over to do something before they will just do it!) Another step back...

With my kids it seems like it's always one step forward and two steps back. But I guess we just have to try to keep moving forward and hope they learn to be sweet, compassionate, obedient, non-temper tantrum throwing teenagers. sigh...


Jen said...

Your not alone. My kids do the same thing. It's just kids. All we can do is keep them in line. Pray alot too. And be the best parents we can be.

jennwa said...

They are good kids, they will be fine. But I can always let you borrow the spanking spoon.

Amy Fox said...

My middle child was like that (pointing out what is right infront of your face). He would say it so matter of factly that I just wanted the floor to open up and swallow me).
There is hope he doesn't blurt out things like that anymore. PTL (praise the Lord)!! :)

Annikke said...

It sure feels like a long road sometimes doesn't it?

Queen of My Domain said...

I know what you mean, somedays I would probably get further if I turned around and walked backwards. But we will all get there someday. ;)

Family Adventure said...

Hang in'll get better!

Heidi :)

Don Mills Diva said...

It's pretty much that way with life in general isn't it? We just have to keep going forward and eventually we'll get ahead.

Megan Cobb said...

Bean has been doing the "ignore requests 1-3 and wait for order-with-threat (#4) to comply" thing too. It drives me absolutely bonkers. It makes me talk like this:


And I do not like talking like that. I prefer,

"Honey love lambykinspie sweetiebunny? Let's put our shoes on the shoe shelf now, baby, please?"

But it ain'ta workin'.

Bonnie said...

Kids ! Hang in there. Soon this phase will pass, and there will be a new and equally as frustrating, but at least different, phase !!! At least, that's how I have experienced it so far !! People keep telling me to just enjoy them (the kids ) in each of their stages ... because before I know it, they will be grown and I'll be wishing for the embarrassing Wal-Mart moments !!

Mari said...

They sound like typical kids. As far as that sweet compliant teenager statement - good luck wiht that!

Unknown said...

Kids are kids & will try you in all kinds of ways.. Teens will do the same. Hang in there, they are still blessings!!!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

You are so not alone. Let's just hope this is just another phase in the lifetime of phases!