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Monday, January 14, 2008

I just can't stop thinking about this story.

I read this story Sunday morning while eating breakfast with my family and I could not get it out of my mind all day. A man threw his four children (all under the age of 3) off an 80 foot bridge after having an argument with his wife.

All day I kept looking at my children trying to figure out what would make someone do that. It doesn't say what the argument with his wife was about but I could never ever imagine being so angry with my husband that I would want to harm my children.

And to do it in such a cruel way? To throw them off of a bridge? I guess that is the part that really makes me so sad. I spent much of the day wondering what was going through their little minds as they went on that bridge with their father. Perhaps they were excited to be on a tall bridge, excited to see the water below. They must have thought they were going on a little adventure with Daddy.

But as he started tossing them over one by one I can only imagine what they felt. I guess this is what bothers me most, the confusion and sadness they must have felt watching as their brothers and sisters were being thrown off the bridge, their excitement turning to horror.

I am hoping that they were too young to realize what was going on and that their suffering was brief. That is my hope. I know they are now resting peacefully in heaven but I just can't shake the images I have in my head.

I'm sure that soon enough another tragedy involving a child will make the headlines and this story will be forgotten. But for now, I am just going to hug my kids a little tighter and thank God that they are safe.


jennwa said...

I read this story too and it also horrified me and well as deeply sadden me. The children were very small from 3years old to just a few months old, so maybe they were all to young to understand what was going on.
I will never understand these people, I like to think these people are sick and so there is no logic to their actions. I still will never understand how someone could hurt their own children.

Musings of a Housewife said...

That makes me positively ill.

Megan Cobb said...

I can't even let myself THINK about it from the mother's perspective. Too awful.

Mari said...

I read that story as well and it has really bothered me. I can't imagaine what was going on in his head. I can't imagine what the Mother is goind through now.

Tina said...

How horrible...what a coward.

I'm going to hug my kids.....

Don Mills Diva said...

I have been unabel to get this story out of my mind as well - it is so heartbreaking.

Family Adventure said...

I heard about it too. Awful, awful, awful.


Amy Fox said...

I couldn't read the story because I knew it would upset me too much. Reminds me of the mom who drowned her kids.

I'm like you and wonder what the kids are thinking as they see their sibling die. AND WHAT IN THE WORLD WOULD MAKE SOMEONE WHO CALLS THEMSELVES A PARENT DO THAT TO THEIR CHILD.

Michelle said...

I have never understood some people. BABIES! hey were BABIES for cripes sake!

I will hug my daughters closer.

Anonymous said...

They may be better off in heaven than living under his roof. That is so sad.

Corey~living and loving said...

Hadn't heard of this...and wishing I haden't now.

I have no words for how horrible it is. no words.........

Kellan said...

I will come back to read this post, I just wanted to say thanks for coming over and leaving the well wishes - I am fine - only need to remember about that bra thing the next time I ever have to call 911. Hope to see you tomorrow. Kellan

Annikke said...

I heard this story too and was sick to my stomach all day. I can't imagine ever being so angry with husband that I would kill my children. What in the world was that guy thinking????

Valarie said...

I heard about this on the news too. I couldn't believe it. I am sure that something has to be wrong with him. People in their right minds just don't do things like matter how mad they are at someone. It's horrifying. My heart aches for that poor mom.

Magpie said...

That is a staggering story. Somehow, the stories of people killing their own children are all the more horrifying - just atrocious.

Queen of My Domain said...

I hadn't heard about this yet. I just can't imagine how anyone gets to that point. How horrible for everyone involved.

Brittany said...

I also read the story. It's terrible and just so pointless. There's nothing really more I can say. I never will nor do I want to know why people hurt their children.

Hug your babies and love them... that's how we can honor those babies.

Bonnie said...

Horrible. Tragic. Not something any of us can understand ! - nor something I ever WANT to understand !

Missy said...

He knew that would be the absolutely worst way he could hurt her, and that was his only desire - to destroy his wife. Pure evil.

I felt the same way when the little girl washed up in the box in Galveston. She was TWO.

Come, Jesus...

LindaSue said...

Agreeing with Missy at it's almost naptime. Pure evil - working through a man. Unbearable to think of - more evidence that the more "civilized and educated" we think we are - the more our fallen nature allows this through. Amen - Come Lord Jesus.

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

I couldn't get that story out of my head for the longest time, either. It absolutely horrifies me that people do such things to their own children. I read that the father was a drug abuser and that it contributed to the incident. But still...your children?