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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Am I pretty or just striped?

Conversation at my house a couple mornings ago...

Peter: I wish I was as pretty as you Mommy.

Me: Aw, shucks. Thanks honey for calling me pretty. But you are a little boy and little boys are handsome, not pretty. And you are the most handsome little boy I know!

Peter: No I'm not.

Me: Yes you are. Why would you say you aren't?

Peter: Because I'm not wearing a striped shirt and you are. Striped shirts are prettier than plain shirts!

Geez. And I thought I was looking especially pretty that morning! Oh well. Maybe I should have spent some more time on my hair!


jennwa said...

Peter is to cute. I am glad to know all I have to do is wear a striped shirt to be prettier than you.
I just wanted everyone to know that Beth is as nice as she seems on her blog.This morning I got an e-mail saying Beth has treated me to a pimping of my blog. She knows I am going through a rough time right now and as always she is thinking of me.That is the kind of person Beth is,she is always their for others.And she is always willing it help people.I give her a hard time on her blog when I leave a comment, but she knows I am just joking. But I want everyone to know that Beth is a very special and I am very privileged that she is my BFF.

Family Adventure said...

Awwwww...I have to say, I am partial to striped shirts myself. I always thought my boys looked particularly handsome in striped shirts. Maybe it's time for a new such shirt for Peter ?!

Heidi :)

PS: What a lovely, lovely note from Jenn, too!!

Mamacita said...

Oh how precious!!!
By the way, I never see the cute ones in Payless,either! I found them on the Payless website (I guess I should have put that in th post!) and I might just order some off of there. :)

girlymom said...

This is sooooo cute! I can just see those wheels turning in his head! Gotta love the things they come up with!
New to your blog, found ya through Kellan, you have a great family. Have a great day.

Brittany said...

Oh man. Kids are so cute.

I need to remember to wear more stripes then, if that's all it takes to be pretty. :)

Adam says I am pretty when I wear anything bright. If I wear black, he doesn't say a word. But, when I wear a bright color he says "mommy is pretty!" haha.

Don Mills Diva said...

That is very cute. My son is barely 2 and I am coaching him to say "my mama is sooo pretty". I am shameless.

Annikke said...

Kids are so fun!

P.S. Love the new look!

Corey~living and loving said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I say take it. we just have to get the compliments no matter how they come. :)

MadMad said...

Well, were the stripes vertical or horizontal? That could be important, you know... ;)

Queen of My Domain said...

That's to funny. Definetely take the compliments where you can get them.

Anonymous said...

I gotta get me a new striped shirt....what is the best color to bring out my eyes!!

Can I have jennwa as my friend? She can boost the dreariest of days!!

Kellan said...

How cute - just about the time you are all ready to get a big head - they just pop that big ol' balloon - don't they! Very cute conversation!

Thanks for coming by - I always look forward to seeing you - you are a good friend. Kellan

Mari said...

I love the way kids think. I'm going to look for a striped shirt, but it can't be horizontal strips!

Amy Fox said...

So, that is my problem I need to wear striped shirts. duh! and I had just put my only striped shirt in the Goodwill pile. Now, I know my problem. :)


Cathy, Amy and Kristina said...

My daughter has a thing for stripes as well.

Now my son? Not so much. He so hated the one I put on him for our Christmas-card photos that he wailed the entire time.

Totallyscrappy said...

I'm off to put on a striped shirt!!

Lisa said...

That's really sweet. If only I knew it was so easy to be pretty.

Off to put on a striped shirt...this plain shirt doing nothing for me today :)