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Friday, January 18, 2008

You are invited!

Jennwa and I are co-hosting a Pampered Chef party! It's going to be at her house on January 27th at 4:00 and you are all invited!

What? You can't make it? You don't want to fly in from Oregon, California, Alaska, Massachusetts, D.C, New York, (I could keep going here) for a Pampered Chef party? You should really reconsider because the theme of our little party is going to be Chocolate Bliss! And I for one am planning to step out on my diet for an hour and a half to enjoy some yummy chocolaty goodness.

Seriously, we really are co-hosting a Pampered Chef party and we thought we would let you guys know about it just in case you wanted to place an order. I know, I probably think you already have kitchen gadgets but come one! Who among us couldn't use the Food Chopper? Think about all the healthy vegetables I could professionally dice up with that thing?

Or perhaps a baking stone...because after all...Pampered Chef is known for their baking stones. Things don't burn on the bottom when you use a Pampered Chef baking stone (unless of course you don't hear the oven timer go off and you well, um, then, they might burn on the bottom but Jennwa and I don't have any personal experience with, we don't! Really, we don't!
And then there's my personal favorite...the versatile triffle bowl....Look, if it's not full of yummy and delicious triffle then you can use it as a decorating accessory! Jennwa even filled hers with Christmas balls over the holidays and left it on her counter as a decoration....she's so creative that way!

O.k, so if I haven't convinced you to come to the party, at least maybe I have enticed you enough to want to flip through the Pampered Chef online catalog. If you want to do that, please let me know and I can get you the link.

And if you decide to place an order, please use me as your host! I would really appreciate it....I'm trying to earn a free salad spinner...eating wet lettuce is wrecking havoc on my diet!

Won't you please help a girl out? All orders must be in my February 6th. Thanks!

Note - If you know me in real life and would like to come the party, please let me know! The more the merrier!

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jennwa said...

I want to come. Oh, that's right it's at my house.
I am excited about the yummy chocolate too. I hope to see you all there.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the party too! I won't be the only 'ole lady there will I??

Maude Lynn said...

I hate missing out on chocolate bliss!

Mari said...

I love Pampered Chef - I actually went to one last week. I have lots of their stuff and haven't found anything I don't like. Enjoy the chocolate!

Amy Fox said...

I love my pamper chef stuff....I have the first things you showed....
One of the most used pamper chef items in my house is the garlic press. I love that thing.
Oh yea, and the measuring cups (the ones that are designed for liquid).


Tina said...

Oh, a chocolate party! I would SO be there if I lived near you.

Kellan said...

Thanks for the invite - I might just go over and check it all out!! Have a great weekend Beth - see you soon. Kellan

Family Adventure said...

Hey Beth...I wish I could join ya...but I cannot. When I'm back in Canada, I will look into ordering onoline, but not from Europe. Enjoy and have fun! :)


Bonnie said...

I loooove Pampered Chef. It isn't in Australia yet. But when the kids and I went home ( Colorado ) for a 6 week visit in April, I stocked up on PC stuff !! Hope your party is fun fun fun and that you get your salad spinner !!!

Michie said...

I followed a link from Jennwa's site and found you here. Chocolate Bliss sounds great - but I'd love to see more ideas with that trifle bowl. I think I might have to use it as a Christmas decoration next year! :)

Corey~living and loving said...

wish I could come! :)
Another PC fan here. :) have a great party! I can see why wet lettuce is ruining your diet. tee hee

Pam said...

Oh, Beth, you are so funny! Shameless, but funny! I'll be there, as you know!

Unknown said...

Pampered Chef is the greatest!! I have several of the stone ware items. Thanks for the invite but it is a bit far.. Enjoy the goodies...