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Sunday, January 20, 2008

It was a good hair day...or so I thought.

I took my son to the barber on Friday. As we were pulling back into our drive way, I hoped out of the car to get the mail. As I was walking toward the mailbox I could see my shadow on the ground and I could see my hair bouncing in the breeze and thought to myself, Wow! I'm having a really great hair day today! As I got back in the car I glanced at myself in the rear view mirror and smiled and kind of shook my hair.

Sarah said, "Your hair looks good!"

"Thanks, honey! I'm using a new shampoo," I chattered excitedly, pleased that someone else had noticed my glorious mane.

"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Peter," she said.


"Oh," I mumbled.

My kids sure know how to keep me from becoming too pleased with myself!

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Bonnie said...

ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!

Megan Cobb said...

Bean told me my new style makes me look like a scrub brush.

Kids are good for one's humility.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...


Yep kids have a great way of bringing us back down to earth. ;)

Don Mills Diva said...

HA! Man I am going to have to train my son to constantly roll out the compliments for mommy!

Cathy, Amy and Kristina said...

The real ego boost is when they look at photos of you -- photos which are maybe only five or so years old -- and inform you that your hair looks "funny."

Only 37 and my kids already think the hair is dated.

jennwa said...

Sarah is too funny.

Kellan said...

What a funny story!!! This is so something that would happen to me - this was funny! Hope you had a great weekend - see you later. Kellan

Family Adventure said...

LOL! That is hilarious!

So, was Peter using new shampoo, too???

Heidi :0

Brittany said...

wow.... haha. That's a hoot.

Karen MEG said...

Ouch!!! That was cute, I KNOW you were having a good hair day.
So what new shampoo are you using anyway?

Totallyscrappy said...

Good thing your ego is wrapped up in this whole mommy thing, isn't it? LOL!

Grandma T said...

That's a classic! Gotta love that one's honesty!

Annikke said...

Kids are great like that,a ren't they!!!???!!!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh that's cute! Nothing like a reality check from the kids, right? :)

Suburban Correspondent said...

I'm always so surprised when the kids notice what I'm wearing or how my hair looks. Susie (2) said, "You have a nice shirt on today, Mommy" and I just melted.

Maude Lynn said...

No egos allowed anymore!

Mine tells me all the time that I'm an old lady.

Annie said...

That's too funny!
Thanks for stopping by and for praying for Izzy!

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Ooooh! That is a groaner for sure. LOL. Stumbled across your blog, and I'm glad I did. Thanks for the laugh.

MadMad said...

Heh-heh-heh! Kinda reminds me of when my son said, "Mom, why do you have so many cracks in your face?"

Amy Fox said...

Aaaw, kids keep us humbled.

Queen of My Domain said...

LOL, Boy our kids can deflate us in an instant can't they?

Debbie said...

I read how you cheer your husband on!! What an awesome way!!

God bless you!!