After Peter got done mowing he unpacked all of his gear and I got to work on the first of three very smell loads of laundry.
Dan and I did a little bit of gardening and then I helped Sarah pack her bags for her trip with the Girl Scouts. (It will be so nice when she returns home at the end of this week and I will hopefully have all of my family members home for at least a week. Dan was gone before the Boy Scout trip so this is week three of revolving family members at home.)
While at camp this year, Peter worked on the following merit badges: Personal Fitness, EmergencyPreparedness, Search and Rescue and Cooking. That left one period free and Peter decided to do Advanced Woodcarving (which isn't a badge but just for fun) since he earned that badge last summer.
Here are the pictures that Dan and Peter texted me during the week.
Inside Peter's tent.
This spider had to be removed from Peter's tent!
View from the top of Raven Knob looking down on part of the camp.
Peter working hard during advanced woodworking.
Peter carved this! I think it looks great!
Peter working on his cooking merit badge.

Peter made crepes with bananas and honey one class.
Peter ran a mile (in hiking boots) in 8 minutes and 30 seconds during his Personal Fitness class. He said he finished 13th out of 30! Not bad for someone who hates to run!
Peter got tapped out for Order of the Arrow!
Peter had a good week at camp but he was happy to be home! And I was happy to have him home!
He spent some time on the computer this morning but then asked to go to the library so he could check out a book!. I think spending a week in nature did him some good! ;)
OK the spider made me shudder and the snake was a hard no! Those to two things would have made me pass out. But congrats to your boy on completing all he set out to do at camp!
I am so happy that soon all four of you will be under the same roof for a while! It looks like Peter had an awesome time at camp!
I am seriously impressed by that carving!
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