Last spring I got my hair cut short and as the spring turned in to summer I got it cut even shorter. And I loved it. I really did. As I look back on pictures that were taken from that time, I think , "Look how cute my hair looked."
And then I look in the mirror now and think, "Blech."
You see, I'm letting my hair grow out again. I decided in the fall that at the age of 41, I needed to have long hair again just one more time before I decided that I would have short hair for the rest of my life.
Depressing, huh? But how many middle aged women do you know that are growing their hair out? I didn't want to be that one lone 50-year-old that was trying to grow their hair way down past their shoulders one more time before they hit menopause so I thought I would give it one last shot.
So here I am with my hair in that icky not-short, not-long stage and it's driving me crazy. It is resting just above the top of my shoulders which means that it's not turning under and it's not flipping up and it's not laying straight. Well, let me correct that - it's laying under on one side, it's flipping up on the other and it's laying straight and flat in the back. And it's driving me crazy!
I have a hair appointment Friday for fresh highlights and a slight trim before my trip. Yesterday my phone rang and it was
the BFF calling to tell me that she just got a very short and very cute haircut from our stylist.
And I screamed, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Don't tell me that!!" Because I'm weak y'all. Weak.
I know that when I see her hair this afternoon I am going to want to tell our stylist to just chop mine all off. To which our stylist will probably just chuckle knowingly and say, "I figured you wouldn't be able to grow it out after I cut Jennifer's."
But I am going to try to remain strong. I want my hair to grow past my shoulders again so it will bounce playfully around them. I want my hair to blow in the wind. I want a long, playful ponytail. But the problem is, it's my hair. So it doesn't bounce around my shoulders or blow in the wind. And my ponytails have never been playful.
My hair makes me look like
Marcia Brady.
But I want it long just one more time before I'm too old to pull it off.
So I've got to remain strong on Friday. "Highlights and a trim ,please," will be my mantra from now until I walk out of the beauty shop.
The only thing I keep thinking is,
wouldn't my hair look really cute if it was short when I'm in Ireland?
I don't want to have dumpy clothes
and dumpy hair when I look back over the pictures 30 years from now.
Highlights and a trim, please.
Highlights and a trim, please.
Highlights and a trim, please.
Highlights and a trim, please.
Say it with me, y'all...highlights and a trim, please.