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Monday, October 31, 2011

Apparently, I need a wife.

Yesterday, as I was working on my weekly meal plan, I was perusing the calendar to see what we had going on each night and what type of meals we would need and I noticed that on yesterday's date, I had written "2-4". 

As in "2:00 PM - 4:00 PM".  But that's all I had written!  At this point it was about 5:30 PM so whatever it was we had missed.   I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out what it was. The only thing I can think is that Sarah has a class at church NEXT Sunday but the time is from 1:30 - 3:30.  So why in the world I would put "2-4" on the calendar for yesterday is beyond me. 

Just further proof that I need a wife to help me around here!

I am bringing drinks to Peter's Halloween party at school this afternoon.  Look at the cute labels I made for them:
Okay, I guess I'm not kidding anyone.  I didn't make these, but I did find them on the internet, download them, print them off and tape them to the drinks.  Jeez - no wonder my calendar's all screwed up - I'm spending too much time on drink labels!

I love how they turned out and so did Peter!  He was very excited when I told them they were for his class party.  Sarah on the other hand was disappointed and told me that I must not love her because I'm not going to her class party.  Oh, the guilt!

Please visit Centsational Girl.  She actually is the one that created all of the cute Halloween drink labels.  She has labels for juice boxes, water bottles, juice bottles, 2 liter soda bottles.  She even has labels for wine and beer bottles!  They are in .PDF format so all you have to do is download and print! 

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Yes, that's why I just don't go to any of my children's school activities ;)