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Friday, October 7, 2011

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---

I'm having lunch with Jennifer today!  Now that she's a working woman, I don't ever get to spend any time with her any more.  I miss her. 

--- 2 ---

We are heading to the zoo tomorrow.  We've never taken the kids before but Dan's company is having their family day there this year.  Free tickets and a cookout - how could we say no?

--- 3 ---

I have run 4 miles for three consecutive days.  I may be slow but I'm getting it done.  I will do a 10k in the spring.  I will do a 10k in the spring.  I will do a 10k in the spring.  I will...o.k. you get the idea. 

--- 4 ---

Peter made a 100 on his September project.  I was so happy to see that grade.  He worked hard on it and even though it could have been neater, he met all the criteria so he got an A.  Peter's October project involves researching a state  and putting his findings in a Power Point presentation and presenting it to the class.  The best part of this is that it is to be done entirely at school.  Yay!

--- 5 ---

Every fall, I buy a mum.  Every fall, the mum immediately dies.  This year my mums are thriving.  I think I finally figured out the secret...watering them more than once.  Who knew?

--- 6 ---

While typing "spring" and "fall" in the quick takes above, I couldn't decide whether to capitalize them or leave them lower-case.  I decided to leave them lower case but still didn't feel right about it.  I checked my BFF Google and determined that they are NOT to be capitalized. 

--- 7 ---
It is a requirement at my kid's school that a parent in the family volunteers at least 15 hours a year.  Although I have a feeling most families are volunteering way more than that.  I finally signed up to help with a couple of things when I realized that it is already October and the school year is going to be over before I know it.  I think my slow start is due to the fact that I don't know anyone there and they all seem to be best friends.  I'm aware that the only way to remedy that situation is to just go and do something so I guess that's what I'll do - reluctantly...

Sorry these quick takes have been so boring but that's my life!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

1 comment:

deborah said...

I sympathize with you on going to volunteer and feeling like you don't know anyone. I am not good in crowds nor do I make friends easily. I know you just have to get out there, but that doesn't make it easy!