I think it's because Sarah was out of school on Tuesday and maybe that made the week feel weird or just extra long. In fact, I just had to check the calendar to make sure that was really this past Tuesday and not Tuesday of last week.
Anywho. What's been happening during this crazy long week? .
Last night we went to watch the girl's basketball team play in their second game in the state tournament and they won! Sadly our boys (who were state champions last year!) lost their first game and are out. The girls play again tomorrow near the beach and the team they are playing are ranked first in the division bracket. So.....fingers crossed!
Peter is now in full-on let's-go-look-at-colleges mode. I took him to NC State in November and we are scheduled to tour the University of Tennesse in March. Peter and several of his "bros" are going to visit Auburn, Clemson, Georgia, and Georgia Tech together in a whirlwind tour over spring break. He's very excited! I think it's more about all the time hanging out with his friends and being away from his annoying mother than it is about the actual college visits.
He would love to go to a big football school and he is more than okay with it being out of state. I keep telling him that he will have to get a substantial scholarship to off-set the difference in price between in-state and out-of-state tuition. He is trying to convince Sarah to skip college so we can put her college money towards his out-of-state tuition. :)
While he is very excited about the trip with his friends, they aren't getting back until the evening of the day we were planning a long weekend to the beach. So I guess (if this trip actually happens) we will go to the beach a day later and instead of being three nights in Charleston/Folly Beach it will just be two. :(
In other news, I had my physical today. I had to get a tetanus shot because it's been ten years since my last one. And I peed in a cup and they took blood to check all the things. And because of that, I couldn't have my coffee this morning when I rolled out of bed which explains why it's 1:00 PM and I'm having some!
The PA I saw said, "You're not 50," after looking at my record. And I said, "Sadly, yes I am." Then she replied, "Well, you sure don't LOOK 50!" That made my day!
Then I went on to lament that indeed I am 50 and I have the achy joints, extra ten pounds, and wrinkles to prove it. (Y'all - even my hands are wrinkled and old looking. .....sigh....)
And guess what being 50 gets you? A colonoscopy! I just got that scheduled and have that to look forward to next month. Good times....
I did my civic duty and voted this week and got that checked off of my to-do list. Dan hates early voting but I LOVE IT! Sorry, honey, but it's so nice just to be able to drop in when there are no lines and just get it done.
I stopped by the church for Adoration yesterday. I am attempting to go every week during Lent. Hopefully, I can do it!
We don't have a lot going on this weekend. Sarah's busy but the rest of us are just going to be hanging out - which is my favorite kind of weekend.
Make it a good one, everybody!