This is how we kept busy this week.
On Monday I took the kids to The Winston-Salem Children's Museum. We've been a hundred times but the kids never seem to tire of it. We haven't been any this summer so they were excited to go yet again. As usual, Peter wanted to spend the entire time in the Build-It room playing with the Legos. Because, you know, we don't have 1000 of them at home.
On Tuesday we went bowling. I signed up for the KidsBowlFree program. Sign up prior to going and every day during the summer your kids can bowl up to two free games per day. THE CATCH - you do have to pay shoe rental. At our bowling alley it was $4.50 per pair. ACK!! We won't be bowling for "free" any more this summer.
And unfortunately, the bowling ball smashed into Sarah's finger after the second frame and she refused to finish bowling. Peter got to bowl all of her frames while I tried to keep the screams, whimpers and whines to a minimum. She perked right up when it was time to check out the arcade though.
On Wednesday, we saw Ice Age 3. I did not realize that it was in 3-D and you have to pay extra for that. So a matinee for 2 kids and 1 adult ended up costing $26. YIKES! It was a cute movie though and the kids loved it. We don't normally take them to the movies so this was a treat for them.
I also didn't realize it but had I taken the kids on Tuesday we could have gotten popcorn and drinks for $1 each. But since I took them on Wednesday the kiddie packs were $6 EACH and they were very small. So I told the kids no popcorn and instead took them for ice cream after the movie. I felt like a scored a small victory by spending $4 instead of $12. Take that Carmike Cinemas!
On Thursday we went blueberry picking. It was hot and humid but we suffered through. Peter's method of blueberry picking involves spending 5 minutes to find the biggest one and then complaining that I have more blueberries than he does. Sarah's method involves complaining about the heat and then asking me if I will dump all of my blueberries into her bucket.
When we got home Sarah and I made blueberry pie. It is delicious and we just might have it for breakfast this morning. CampMommy is all about fun after all!
Today we are going to play mini-golf. The kids love mini-golf and are excited about this. I do have a pass for a free game so it shouldn't cost me too much money. However there is an arcade and bumper boats. So I have a feeling the old wallet is going to get hit pretty hard again today.
The kids have attended VBS every evening this week. While the kids are playing, crafting and singing, Dan and I have been going out to eat, having uninterrupted conversations and enjoying each other's company. It's a win-win!