I love the ornaments on my Christmas tree. They all have special meaning.
We can remember where we got them or why we selected them and we enjoy reminiscing every year while decorating the tree.
But now that the kids are starting to get older, they are coming home from school with ornaments they have made and they want to put them on my tree!
On my beautiful tree!
Last year in preschool Peter made an angel out of a large white paper plate. It's a cute angel, but it's made out of a paper plate.
A large white paper plate.
It stands out like a sore thumb on my tree of colorful glass ornaments and intricate Hallmark designs.
As we were decorating the tree last weekend, Peter spotted this angel at the bottom of the ornament box and hung it front and center, proudly declaring "This is the angel that I made last year in school!"
And I will admit, as he hung this ornament in the most prominent spot on the tree, I cringed a little.
No problem, I thought. I'll just move it when he goes outside to play.
And that's exactly what I did.
As soon as he went outside, I took his ornament and I moved it to the back lower branches of the tree.
Later that evening, Peter came in and said, "Where's my angel ornament?" And after a frantic search he exclaimed, "Hey! Why is my angel way back here at the bottom of the tree?"
So I sighed a little sigh and I told him to place it wherever he wanted it to be.
And that's exactly what he did.
As I told my husband the story later that evening, he gave me a hard time and told me that Christmas is for kids. And then he does what he always does and reminds me that they will be gone soon.
And you know what? As usual, he's right. (There honey! You've got it in writing! You are right - as usual!)
Christmas is for kids. It's all about the kids learning about Jesus. It's all about the kids learning that giving feels good. And it's all about the excitement they have on Christmas morning.
So now, when I look at my tree, I smile.
And I'm pretty sure that every year I am going to place the kid's handmade ornaments front and center to remind me that Christmas is about a little baby - and not about my tree.
Can you spot Peter's angel ornament??

Here's a close-up...

I love the angel, your tree is very beautiful my friend.
I love the angel front and center!
I think it is so cute. I am not picky at all about my tree...everyone gives my kids ornaments, so it has not theme, but we love what each ornament means. We rotate on where the homemade ones go. Too cute!
ha! ok, little "h" loves it!!
Oh, I completely understand! I didn't used to even really like it when people gave me ornaments as gifts because they didn't go with my tree.
I've gotten over it too. :)
Because now we have a BOATLOAD of kids' ornaments on the tree. Macaroni ones and construction paper ones, and I'm sure a paper plate or two on there somewhere. And now the tree seems somehow naked and not alive without them.
And when they grow up and want to take their ornaments with them to their OWN tree, I am not sure I am going to let them! :)
What a lovely tree! Love the angel:)
Your tree is beautiful! I to had a hard time letting the kids put the ornaments where they wanted. But one year I was to sick to do it and guess what, they now decorate it every year and I love it. Even if one branch has about 4 ornaments.
Thanks for the reminder, Beth. Being the perfectionist that I am, I always try to "hide" the kids ornaments so that my tree will look "perfect", but of course your husband is right. :) I will try to quit obsessing and just let everyone enjoy the holiday. P.S. I love your tree! :)
Your tree is beautiful! I had the same "reminder" in my house.... *sigh*
I love the angel! It is beautiful! And so is your tree!!!
awwwwwwww what an adorable ornament he made! I think your realization is correct, and I honestly think that his ornament looks perfect right where it is. Just think, in a few years he'll be like "MOM I don't make ornaments anymore, that's for BABIES!" lol!
I'm so glad you left it there. I too have a "special handmade ornament" that sticks out. I'll have to post it up as well!
What a beautiful angel! I have manyof those ornaments :) My kids have all getting older (16, 13, & 11) I no longer get these one-of-a-kind designs, and I truely miss them. WE got a new tree and all new ornaments this year, and as lovely as it is, It will never be as beautiful as my tiny tree of child made deligts! Enjoy them while you can!
Awww, such a sweet angel! I am like you, not wanting to ruin my tree with "crafts" the kids made. But, you're so right...is all about the children on Christmas, paper plate angels and all!
LOL You should do what I did this year, have one tree that is meant to be pretty and another 'family' tree with all your homemade ornaments! Worked out great - I love them both!!
I was admiring that angel today while I was at your house. I really do love it and I was planning on stealing the idea.
And you know my tree looks like a craft show gone really wrong.
How sweet! I love pulling out the ornaments every year. It is such a sweet time of remembrance. May you have sweet memories every year as you pull out that paper plate angel.
The tree is beautiful, the angel is beautiful and so are you!
love it! I'm not that good of a Mom. Our tree in the family room houses the home made ornaments, and the tree in the living room has the pretties.
PS - Love Peter's angel!
It's actually very cute. I know exactly what your talking about though. After 7 kids you can only imagine what my tree looks like.
I love it. What a sweetheart! Just imagine some day when he's grown and married with children of his own...that ornament is a treasure! :)
My tree is not a "Theme", nor "Color Coordinated" either. My tree is full of ornaments that the kids have received for their first Christmas', ornaments that were given our first year of marriage, ornaments that the kids have made, etc and I LOVE my tree!! Each ornament that is put up has a very special meaning and I love that about my tree!
p.s. I love the angel!!
Good Post!!
If you have a space for it, you need two trees. One for your ornaments, and one for the kid's treasures
You may have just helped me get over the 'kids ornaments on MY tree' thing. I said I wanted separate trees, but I may rethink this and the KIDS are SO proud when they see what THEY like on the tree!! I may take them tomorrow to pick out something the love for the tree.
Thank you!!
That's a sweet story. I love how BIG the angel ornament is!
It's the handmade memories that are my favorites. Our tree is a collected assortment of all of our ornaments from over the years. My mom always gets us an ornament each year, so I have tons of ornaments. I love each and every one of them.
Hi Beth,
Cute post and a great reminder of what's really important at Christmas time. I have a mini tree (half the lights won't come on this year though) and I put all the ornments that my son and I make on that one. The big tree has an assortment of all kinds of ornaments. There's about 15 ornments on the floor at any given time though since my daughter thinks it's her job to pull off the ones she can reach. I've thought about putting a small tree in each of their rooms (when they are older) and letting them decorate that any way they want.
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