After volunteering in my son's class today, I ate lunch with him.
He was munching on an apple when I asked him what his favorite part of school was.
He thought for a moment and then answered me. "Lunch," he said with a giggle.
"What's your next favorite thing?" I quizzed him, a little uncomfortable with his Sweathog response.
"Going to the playground!" he answered with some hesitation.
"And then what?" I asked him, hoping for an answer that at least resembled something academic.
And with no pause at all, he answered, "Coming home!"
I had been eagerly awaiting the start of Kindergarten because I knew Peter was going to love it. At least that was my hope.
He really enjoyed preschool and it only seemed to follow that he would enjoy Kindergarten. But that doesn't seem to be the case and it worries me.
People are continually asking me how Peter likes school.
And I continue to give them the same half-hearted answer, "He doesn't like getting up early but I think he's enjoying it."
I had a conversation with Jennifer yesterday and she thinks it is because he's bored.
She volunteered in the class (her son Colton is in the class too) earlier in the week and she said that Peter and Colton both already knew everything that was being taught in the center that they were working in.
At lunch today, I asked him why he didn't like school very much. And his answer was, "We are working on letter sounds. I already did that in preschool."
So, perhaps Jennifer is right. Perhaps he really is just bored.
So now when people ask me how Peter likes Kindergarten I guess I'm going to answer them with a hearty, "He's completely bored because he already knows it all!"
O.k. maybe I won't answer it like that but I'll be thinking that in my head while I give them my standard response.
In the meantime, what am I supposed to do so that he doesn't lose interest in school and decide at the ripe old age of 5 that he hates school?