It is a rectangle that seats four people and it can be expanded to seat 6. This was all well and good except that the space for our kitchen table is rather small and not well-suited for a rectangle shaped table.
When the kids want to come in and out of the backdoor, they have to be careful not to open the door into the table. And since they are 4 and 5, being careful doesn't come easily to them. So we have dinged up both the door and the table.
And to make matters worse, because the table is too big for the space, the light above the table is off-center and drives me crazy every time I look at it.
The rectangle table was purchased in 1998 from Rooms To Go and is made of pine. And anyone with pine furniture knows it is cheap (which is why they sell it at Rooms To Go) and that it gets scratched up easily.
And to make matters worse, the chairs were upholstered in a CREAMY WHITE FABRIC!
Why any manufacturer would ever upholster dining room chairs in the first place is beyond me and then to do them in a light fabric is adding insult to injury!
Clearly I bought these before I had kids! It didn't take long for the creamy white fabric to turn a strange shade of gray.
We don't have it in our budget right now to buy a new table and new chairs and with a 4-year-old and a 5-year-old, it isn't practical anyway.
Mom offered us an old table that she had in her basement. I took one look at it and knew it would be perfect.
The table is 100-years-old and made of a sturdy oak. It was actually used in my great grandfather's house so I know this table can withstand the wear and tear of our little family.
But it didn't come with chairs.
So we did what any good students of Dave Ramsey would do - we repainted and reupholstered our existing chairs.


So, not only are we able to incorporate a family heirloom into our decorating, but we updated 6 chairs for under $70!
Now if I can just figure out a way to reupholster our ugly sofas!

your chairs are beautiful!!! You could always get slipcovers made for those chairs.:)
Dave would be so proud and this is just great! I loved this post...I can't tell you how many times I've looked at a Rooms-to-Go piece and thought later "what was I thinking?"...ha!
Blessings to you today!
OH! I love it!!!
What a great idea! You did a beautiful job too. I was just thinking about some sort of slip covers for my couch. I hate but don't want to replace it just yet.
Ooh la la, looks great...I alwasy forget that black looks so good! And you are right, Dave would be so proud...I loved that study... just wish the debt was paid off...but happy to say we are well on our way!!
It looks very nice sweetie.
The table and chairs look awesome! I love painting old furniture and making it all look new again....well I don't actually enjoy the process of painting old furniture...but love the results. It's more about saving the money! Way to go and thanks for sharing the pix.
I love it. The black chairs are great and the new fabric a HUGE upgrade. Love the round table too. YEAH.
Love the black chairs, and I love the table. I like our kitchen table and chairs, but until I can afford to gut our kitchen, they can't be centred under the light fixture, and I feel your pain.
YAY!! I love it! It looks awesome!
It looks great! You did such a good job with those chairs too.
That looks AMAZING!! Wow - and how cool that the table was your grandfathers!!! So, so neat, Beth!
Looks so great, you did such a good job! That fabric looks very familiar - I think my table runner in my living room is very similar! =)
Nice work! And how cool to be able to use old family pieces!! Dave would be proud!
I am thoroughly impressed!!! The table and chairs look great!!! Maybe you have a career in interior decorating??? or renovation or something!!
Beautiful, MY crafty and very well-tasteful MIL just painted her chairs a smililar color and used a fabric with like colors only it is in a plaid. She also has an oak family heirloom table and so I would say you have great taste.
Love them! This looks like a project I would do. And if the chairs get dinged up, you can just paint them again.
Very nice Beth! I'm impressed. Maybe you have missed your calling. Turning trash to treasure!
I love it, can you come redo mine now? I have a beat up white round table that has a crack down the middle. I have sworn off new furniture until the kids are older. Somehow I don't really think that will matter though..... then they will just be bigger and stronger!
That's like something straight off of HGTV. Love the facelift on the chairs, and that new table looks perfect! Just out of curiosity, what happened to the old one?
Wow. Just wow. You did an amazing job. I love the table and the black chairs look great with it.
ooh, WOW! They look great! Good for you! I love old furniture with history. I pray you have many happy meals at that table!
GReat Job! They look amazing. I want a table and chairs like that! I am really impressed!
Looks terrifc, well done.
We bought creme upholstered chairs for the kitchen before we had kids.
Not clever.
nice job! and the table is awesome!
Those chairs are SO gorgeous- great job! We bought a cream couch- when we had a baby- so I would say we are just crazy (it's grey now.)
The whole ensemble looks perfect! And I love the fabric for the chairs.
(And I know how you feel about upholstered dining room chairs and kids. It's the same way I feel about our carpeted bathroom and kids. Carpet in the bathroom! What were the previous owners thinking?!)
They look awesome...look out Martha!
Yea any type of white fabric is a definite disaster waiting to happen with kids (and dogs....we have the double whammy here!)
I love dark chairs! Great job...
Gorgeous! Now you just need to share HOW you did it, lol. Did you use spray paint or real paint. Or, more realistically, are you for hire?
the table looks awesome. I would never have guess it to be so old.
I so love Dave Ramsey. We are taking his classes right now and they are what I look forward to every week.
Good job!
Beautiful job! :) I wish I had something to upholster....
I LOVE it. I love the dark chairs with the color of the table.
We bought a table a few years ago and it is too big for the space. And what I hate most is that the chair legs spread out too far which keeps the chairs from sliding under the table all the way. Its like a puzzle trying to get the legs in the right spot so the chairs fit. UGH- I dont think paint will help me on that
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