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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This blog brought to you by Jennisa!

If you visit this site often, then I'm sure you have noticed that I have a new look! I was really getting tired of looking at my blah bland blog. (I love alliteration!) I tried to spice things up myself but didn't really have the skills or the blog knowledge to do anything more than change my colors.

So I enlisted the help of Jennisa at Jennisa was so easy to work with and in less than three days I went from blah to blogerrific! And best of all, Jennisa is affordable (polite way of saying cheap!). If you think your blog could use some help, please check with Jennisa to see what she can do for you!

Look! I even have a cool little signature!

post signature


Don Mills Diva said...

Love the new look! Congrats.

Family Adventure said...

Looks awesome - love the signature :)


jennwa said...

She did a great job, I love it. You signature is cute too.

Tina said...

It's really nice!! I'm a smidge jealous. I also continue changing my colors and layout just to get a new look.

Mari said...

Jennisa did my blog too! Isn't she great? I really like your new look!

Corey~living and loving said...

ooooo looking good! I love the colors. :)

Lizzy in the Burbs said...

Hi, Beth!

Oooh! I love the new look of your blog, so cute! I really love the signature part, too! I have been thinking about doing something new and different, but I just don't have the skills required. I am definitely going to check out Jennisa's blog, thanks!

BTW, I haven't planned my revenge yet, but I will get him back! :)


Bonnie said...

Love it !

Amy Fox said...

Vavavoom! Now, I'm jealous~

MadMad said...

Oooooh, it is very, very beautiful!

Karen MEG said...

Wow, it looks fantastic!

LindaSue said...

OHH I love makovers - wonderful look - took you to a whole spiffy new level. Cheers!

Queen of My Domain said...

Oh your new look is very Cool!! I like it.

Kellan said...

I love your new site design - it looks wonderful!!! I should have done that signature thingy when I had my site redesigned - very cool!! I love it. Kellan

Missy said...

oooo, there is the answer to my question. Gonna check her out.