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Friday, June 27, 2008

Graveyard Treats and More Mention of my Coolness

I think I've mentioned before how cool I am.

You'll just have to trust me on that one because I'm too lazy to link to other posts where I've actually mentioned or implied how cool I am.

I think I've also mentioned before how lazy I am and once again, you'll have to take my word for it because I'm too lazy to...well, you know where I'm going with this.

I have a cookbook full of spooky Halloween recipes. My kids are obsessed with this book. They will drag it out and look at the pictures for days on end.

And inevitably they will ask me if we can make something from it. I'll always say "sure" and then they will forget about it before I can get the necessary ingredients. Because I don't know about you, but I don't have candy corn in the house in June.

We've had the book for two years and we've actually made quite a few things from it- a cake shaped like Frankenstein's head, little pizzas that look like mummies, hot dogs wrapped up in bread stick dough to look like mummies, grilled cheese sandwiches with jack-o-lantern faces in them and Sloppy Joe's with spooky faces on the buns.

But they have been harassing me to make something more exciting than a grilled cheese with a face cut into it. And since I am so cool and I want this summer to be "fun, fun, nothing but fun" for my kids, I decided to indulge them.

The last time I went to the store, I got the ingredients to make "Graveyard Treat" and on Sunday afternoon, we made it.

And after all the whining and complaining to get the ingredients and the begging to make it, about half way through, Peter looked out the window and said, "Jacob and Caleb are outside! And they are riding in their golf cart! Can we go play with them?"

And I did a very uncool mom thing and I told them no and gave them a lecture of finishing what they start.

And then I made them stay inside and finish what they started.

And here is our masterpiece:
And here is a picture from "Frightfully Fun Halloween Recipes" showing exactly what it is supposed to look like. As you can see, we made some minor modifications but I still think ours turned out great.

Go here for the recipe if you want to make this graveyard with your kids.

I know it's only June, but they will think you are really cool. At least until their friends with the golf cart come outside to play.

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Tracy said...

Nothing can complete with ride on toys!! But I do give you credit for tackling a graveyard cake! That took way more effort than I am up for this summer.

jennwa said...

You are cool, do not pretend you are not.

The cake looks great. I wish you had saved me some.

Brittany said...

Those really are QUITE cool!!!

jaime said...

that is really cute and i want a piece.

on a completely diff note... i need your help! i was trying to add a favicon to my blog last night and got thru it and yet it's not there...i went to your post about it and it starts to tell exactly where to place the copy/pasted code...but it's BLANK so i pasted it in a spot where i thought may be correct...and NADA. good thing is i didn't mess up my blog but where my favicon be at yo?? lol

Deanna said...

Reminds me of the time I told my boys, "You will do this and you will have FUN!" I think I lost it a little.

the dragonfly said...

That cake looks GREAT!! You are a very cool mom. :)

Sue Wilkey said...

What a great idea! I want to pick up that book - because i NEVER make anything fun like that.

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

I am duly impressed at your coolness as well as your parenting prowess!

And, more importantly, was it good???

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

You are a cool mom

By the way, we did have candy corn in the house in June. It was the snack my 5 year old chose for his airplane candy a couple weeks ago. I didn't even know they sold it every day.


Corey~living and loving said...

you are totally cool! :) I always thought I'd be a super cool cookin mom.....and ummmm yeah...I'm lazy too! sighhhhh

Anonymous said...

My kids love stuff like this. Gummy fish in blue jello is a big favorite. I will have to check out this book.

And the part about forcing them to have fun? Priceless.

Mom on the Run said...

I LOOOVE Halloween recipes, I made a scene out of 'It's the Great Pumkin Charlie Brown' all out of Halloween Candy and I sumbitted it to our local paper and won $25! Fun, fun...

jaime said...

I DID IT!!! whoo hooo! your directions were SPOT ON and it was so easy...check it out! I gotz me a favicon...Thanks so much for your help. that was fun!

Ann(ie) said...


You ARE way cool!

If you need help polishing that off, please call moi. ;)

Swistle said...

That looks so cool! AND yummy.

I can't believe you found candy corn!

carrie said...

That is awesome! I love that you added the gummy worms . . . no cemetary is complete w/out some worms!

Grandma T said...

And again I say, "I want to be just like you when I grow up!"

Valarie said...

You are cool! I know this becuase I am the Queen of cool and it totally takes one to know one. ;)
I actually have that same book and LOVE it.

Kellan said...

I had no doubt you were the coolest of moms and now you have proven just how cool you are - how fun!

Take care - Kellan

Cynthia said...

That is just too fun!

Anonymous said...

The gummy worms make it awesome!

Jaina said...

Oh that looks great! I love Halloween stuff, I'm definitely favoriting this so I can come back and use it later sometime. :)

Lisa said...

Looks great! Great idea of using the cookbook for times other than Halloween. We made brownies similar to that last year, and it was a lot of fun :)