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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

An update!

 It's a new month and time for a quick update post.

On Monday, July 24th, my brother Brad and I went to Raleigh to move Peter from one room in his fraternity house to another.  It's a bigger room and he was excited!  

Dan was still in Ireland, so my brother, being the wonderful human that he is, took off work and headed to Raleigh to help us!  (And this is in addition to all the yard work and other various things he's been helping me with since Dan has been in Ireland.  Thank Brad! You're the best!)

It was hot in Raleigh and Peter's new room is basically in the attic so there was a lot of sweat but we got in done!  

Yes, there's a random door propped up by the porch, yes there's random furniture on the porch, yes there's trash that needs to be picked up BUT - they don't care!  (Sometimes as a mom, I just have to keep repeating to myself..."They. Don't. Care." And then like Elsa, let it go.) .This is during moving all of the boys (some in, some out, some to different rooms) so neatness on this day wasn't a priority.  (I am CERTAIN after everyone got moved in everything was immediately tidied up.  wink wink)

His new room is longer so he has an area for a futon and a TV and a desk on one end.

And there's a bed and a  nook that you can't see where he keeps two guitars and an amp on the other end of the room.  And the closet (which is door-less and can be seen in this picture) is almost twice the size of his old closet.  120 year old homes aren't known for their closet space!  

We paused for lunch and headed to The Raleigh Times where Peter has been working all summer.  I failed to get a picture of us there but the food was good and we met the general manager and one of Peter's fraternity brothers/co-workers. Then we headed to Target for a few items because is it even a move without at least one Target trip?

He has since bought some new posters and got some more things hung on the wall and  is enjoying his larger room and as long as he's happy, I'm happy!

Sarah  and the Basement (and a few other friends) headed to the beach last Friday for a long weekend.  They had a ton of fun - played on the beach, mini golfing, eating out, etc.  I'm so glad they got to all hang out together because everyone has been so busy this summer that they haven't been able to get together very often.  

I'm stealing these two pictures that she posted on her Instagram.  

So while she was off having a grand old time at the beach, DAN CAME HOME!!!  Yippee!!!  

We did normal weekend things - yard work, laundry, Mass, out to dinner, lunch at Mom's, etc.  It was a lovely weekend (the only thing that would have made it better was if the kids were home.)

Thankfully, Dan got home in time that we can all go to the Cape before school starts.  We were worried earlier in the summer that his stay was going to get extended even longer which would have meant  vacation without the kids.  That would have been a huge bummer.  But thankfully, it has all worked out! (My fervent prayers were heard!) 

Peter will be home today, Sarah and I are packing and running last minute errands and we are heading to the Cape tomorrow! I'm so excited to get to spend time with my family.

And in probably the biggest news of all......




I have a job!!  



Two weeks ago, I had a phone interview that went well. Last Friday, I had an in-person interview that went well.  Yesterday, I got the call that I had been hired!  

I start the Tuesday we get back from the Cape.  I will be working as a sales associate at a local gift shop and boutique.  I will also be training in other areas of the boutique - website management, merchandising, etc.  

I will be starting at 20 hours a week with the opportunity to add more hours in the future. Based on how bored I have become with no one at home, I feel like I will want to add more but I'm going to wait and see how part-time goes first. 

Also, management seems very interested in having me learn all the areas of the business so that excites me.  So even though this isn't a corporate job, it feels like there is lots of room to do different things and really figure out where I can add the most value.

So, wish me luck on my new endeavor and hopefully I will have lots of great Cape pictures to post on my return.


Madeline said...

Peter is so grown up! So is Sarah! You get to go to the Cape together as a family! You got a job!!! I love all of this for you and your brother for helping. Prayers for a safe trip and a great.transistion to working.

Gigi said...

Beth, congratulations!! You are wise to take the wait and see approach.

Mari said...

Your brother is a blessing for sure. I like Peter's new room, that roof adds interest. And it's so nice he has extra space. Sarah looks cute and happy!
Hooray for the job!

Colleen said...

Wave to us at The Ice Cream Cottage as you head to the Cape :)
Congrats on the new job! I think 20 hours a week sounds perfect, you won't be so bored at home once you're away from it 20 hours a week!

Billie Jo said...

Congratulations on the job!!!! And your children have grown to be such awesome young people! Have a wonderful time on your trip!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Yay for Peter getting a room upgrade. The mess outside would have bothered me too, but like you said: You don't live there. Let it go. LOL

Your kids are so grown up now---I can hardly belive it.

Congratulation on your new job! I'm so happy for you!!

Have a great vacation.