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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Edition 9

It's Thursday.  Again!

Why am I always so shocked week after week?  I guess because after I write each of these posts on Thursday I tell myself that I am going to be very intentional to look for all the things I am thankful for and then I get to Thursday and I'm wracking my brain and wishing that I had written them all down as I go.

Sometimes I do jot down all the things I am grateful for throughout the week but most times I just tell myself I will remember them and then sit down to write and old age has erased them from my memory. 

With that said, here's what I can remember that I've been thankful for this past week:

1.  The day date with my husband last Friday.  💜💜💓💛💚💕💘  All the hearts for my sweetie.

2. The full dishwasher.  I found myself grumbling while unloading the dishwasher and had to stop myself.  A full dishwasher means food on the table, people sitting around that table eating, and people telling me about their day while they are eating.  So I'm making a better attempt at being thankful for the daily chores in my life that remind me my life is full!

3. A good night of sleep.  The stupid cats (yes, I love them but they are still cats so I can call them stupid) have a bad habit (Wally especially) of jumping on my bed around 3:30 in the morning and walking on my face.  He will then attack Kitten who is calmly laying by my side until there is a full blown cat fight literally occurring on top of me.  My sweet husband is lying next to me snoring away and totally oblivious to said cat fight.  Meanwhile, I am basically awake until my alarm goes off at 5:30.  But thankfully for the last two nights the cats have left me alone and I was able to sleep in relative peace.  I can still hear them chasing each other through the house but as long as they aren't mewing and aren't doing it on top of me - it's all good. 

4. Signs of spring.  We have a few daffodils in our yard and they are blooming!  And the cherry trees around  are blooming too.  Spring is coming and that makes me very thankful!

5.  Rain.  It pains me to type this as I don't like rain.  At. All. And we've had so much of it lately.  But!  This rain has turned our winter brown grass to a lovely shade of spring green. So I will just choose to focus on that instead of all this dreary rain!

6.  A return.  I had gotten some shorts for Sarah that she did not approved of.  When I returned them, they happened to be the exact same price as something I was buying for myself!  Her loss was my gain!

7.  Another math project.  I was good this time and did not mention Peter's lastest math project to him other than to remind me that if he needed any supplies he would need to tell me ahead of time.  I was very thankful to hear last night that he was almost done with it AND he had made an A on his latest math test.

8.  Clean drain and a cute plumber.  Sarah had a clogged shower drain that even maximum stregth Drain-O couldn't handle so my sweet husband had to remove the drain plug apparatus thingy (I think that's the technical term for it) and clean out the most disgusting looking clog I've ever laid eyes on.  I'm gagging right now just thinking about it.  But the drain flows quite nicely now!

9. Starbucks gift card.  Jennifer gave me a Starbucks gift card as part of my Christmas present and I have loved having it on my Thursday morning Target runs.  I drive carpool on Thursdays and don't have time for my second cup of coffee so it's nice to have a cup when I'm in Target.  And it's even nicer that it's paid for with a gift card!  Thanks Jennifer!  And please note, you can make a Starbucks gift card go along way when you are just buying a cup of regular coffee!

What are you all thankful for this week?


Madeline said...

So many things to be thankful for but sleep is definitely my favorite here because sleep is the best!!

Gigi said...

I am thankful that tomorrow is Friday AND we are finally supposed to be done with the rain. A sunny weekend for the first time in who knows HOW long!

Mari said...

I am the same way about the dishwasher, but I'm so thankful I have it!
Glad you have a cute plumber, I do too! :)