Today, I would like to tell you about Dan's Uncle Bobby and the miracle he experienced recently.
Uncle Bobby is a priest. He married us and he baptized Peter and Sarah, so we hold a special place in our hearts for him.
He is 73 years old and he suffers from diabetes and had heart bypass surgery several years ago.
Last October, Uncle Bobby’s doctor ordered a chest X-ray. The results came back showing small spots on his lungs. The doctor was concerned about them but because of their small size decided to watch them.
He had to go back every three months for scans to check their growth. The first repeat scan showed no change.
When he went in for the second repeat scan, the technician inadvertently put him too high up on the board and they imaged not only his lungs but also his lower abdomen.
In the images inadvertently taken of the lower abdomen they saw evidence of a tumor on his pancreas and spots (which were presumed cancerous) on his liver.
Those results led to a battery of tests to further characterize what was seen on the X-ray.
They did a needle biopsy that determined that the tumor on the pancreas was malignant.
However, the spots on the liver were so small and so few and far between that they could not count on hitting one of them with a needle to determine in fact whether the tumor had metastasized to the liver.
They decided laparoscopic surgery was the best course of action. The surgeon would first go to the liver and take samples to determine if there was cancer on the liver.
The samples would be sent to the lab for analysis while Uncle Bobby was still under the anesthesia. If cancer was found on these liver spots, they would close him up and presumably tell him to put his affairs in order and enjoy what time he had left.
If no cancer was found on the liver, then the surgeon would proceed to remove the tumor on the pancreas.
The spots they found on the liver were determined to be non-cancerous “benign hematomas”.
The surgeon removed the pancreas tumor and the prognosis is excellent. Uncle Bobby will not even have to undergo chemotherapy or radiation.
So thanks to an X-Ray technician accidentally putting Uncle Bobby too high up on the X-Ray machine, the malignant tumor on his pancreas was found and removed before he even experienced any problems!
Uncle Bobby, you may be semi-retired, but I think God still has lots of work for you to do!
If you have a miracle to share, it's easy to participate.
Just post a miracle on your blog and link it back here using Mr. Linky below. Please mention "A Mom's Life" and my URL in your post. And if you want, you can use the Miracle Monday button in your post as well.
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Have a great Miracle Monday!
Praise God for His miracleous healing powers my friend.
These type of stories always amaze me. I heard a story a few weeks ago where an orphan from Haiti came home and was being watched by her new grandma. The Grandma caught ring worm from the child (yuck, i know), and went to Dermatologist. At the appt., it was found the grandma unknowingly had skin cancer!
What a miracle! I love stories like this!
My name is Liza from Liza's Eyeview. I created the blog Praying For Emily which I put a link in your Mr. Linky here.
The link to her story is here:
God bless you.
Wow. What a great miracle! I love when God works like that!!!
By the way, I left you an award on my blog today.
Wow, that's a great miracle. I think Uncle Bobby sure does have some work left to do!
That IS a miracle!
Hi Beth. I'm one of Pam's friends. This was a great story! Isn't it funny how what the world sees as an "accident", God sees as part of His Perfect Plan!!
That's wonderful! You know it's God when stuff like that happens.
That is a terrific story. I am so glad he is going to be fine. It is so comforting to know that miracles are happening all the time.
That is truly amazing. What a miracle indeed.
Wow! That gave me chills!
That is truly amazing!
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