I love this comic strip...Between Friends. It's one of my must-reads every morning.
And I love that today's strip is talking about blogging and clearly, they are referring to Dooce.
I have dreams of making money at blogging some day. But $40,000 a month?
I think $400 a month would be nice...just enough to cover the groceries and a pedicure here or there.
The creator of the comic strip, Sandra Bell-Lundy, also has a blog. She's as funny on her blog as she is in her comic strip.
And please note that she has Dooce in her sidebar.
That darn Dooce is everywhere...but I guess that's the only way you are going to make $40,000 a month blogging.
Sandra...any chance you would put me on your sidebar or at least click on a couple of my ads?
Because apparently, I could use an extra pedicure or two...
I checked out Dooce's blog after seeing it in so many blog lists. I wasn't even all that impressed. I read several that I think are superior to hers.
Share the wealth Dooce!
I don't even know how to set up my blog to make 1 penny. $40,000? Wowzers - that would be pretty fab!!!
Have you ever read the Blogess. She is FREAKING HILARIOUS!
I guess when you are referred to in a comc strip it's a good sign that you made it!
That cracked me up. We've had that same conversation.
Just remember me when you are making the big bucks.
Dooce is great. But, I agree with Carol - I read several that I think are consistently funnier than hers. Would I take her income - you bet!
Me too. But I think I also read a comment from D's husband that when asked if she made $40,000 a YEAR blogging, he said, 'I wish'. I'm not sure if it's true, but it's nice to dream a bit. :)
Oh yea, a pedicure, the ULTIMATE indulgence.
Lat one I had was on Mother's day......It's time.
We, with children, so rarely pamper ourselves, I say we REVOLT! LOl
Hi Beth.
wow. $40k a month? gosh, i can only dream.
hi, 1st time here, can't remember how i ended up here. haha!
Hmmm... I always hear people talk about making money through their blog. How are they doing it?
I tried reading Dooce. It just wasn't my thing. But more power to her for making money from it. I still haven't been able to bring myself to put up ads or anything. Right now I'm just about blogging for me.
Big dreams to shoot for. I am happy with grocery money these days :) A girl can dream though, can't she? :)
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