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Thursday, October 10, 2024

NC State Parent's Weekend 2024

On Friday, September 27, we headed to Raleigh for Parent's Weekend.  In the past, we've only stayed for one night but Peter asked if we could stay the whole weekend so we obliged.  We also decided that instead of staying in the outer areas of Raleigh we would splurge and stay downtown. We used Dan's Hilton points and were in the heart of downtown Raleigh all weekend. It was really nice and very convenient.

Dan had to work on Friday but was able to take a conference call on the road so we were able to meet Peter and his friends for dinner at Trophy Brewing Company.  Their beer was really good.  If you are ever in the area, I highly recommend it! After that we headed to the Raleigh Beer Garden which holds the Guinness Book of World Records for the most beers on tap anywhere.  They currently have 385 beers on tap!  It was a really cool place with different floors, a rooftop bar, and mini golf on-site as well.

The Raleigh Beer Garden was just down the block from our hotel so we walked back and were in bed around midnight.  That's late for this old lady!  We were up early because the NC State Football game was at noon and we had to go to a tailgate party.  

You can tell Peter is older because thankfully we were able to skip the frat lot tailgate party (which, y'all, if you've never been - those are LOUD!!)  He has a fraternity brother that graduated last year whose parents live in Raleigh and they have a very nice tailgate party for each game.  So went went to their tailgate before the game.  We got there a little before ten and then headed in to the game right after kickoff.  

State was playing Northern Illinois.  They were the team that beat Notre Dame the first game of the season.  NC State was supposed to have a very good football team this year (they were ranked 24th) at the beginning of the season but sadly they are not very good.  So we were afraid they were going to lose this game but they managed to win.  (Side note - it's going to be a very long football season as none of our teams are good this year.  In addition to State not living up to expectations the Panthers and the Patriots are both horrible.  Hopefully Drake Maye can do something for the Patriots this weekend.) 

Sarah went to Raleigh to see Joe and they were also at the game.  We met up with them at halftime.  It was so nice to see her and give her a big hug!  

After the game, we headed to a cookout hosted by Peter's fraternity.  They had a local BBQ restaurant prepare chicken and pulled pork and the parents brought the sides.  It was a lot of fun!  

After the cookout, we headed to Mitch's Tavern for a couple of drinks with Peter's bestie, Cal, and his parents and another friend who has graduated.  Mitch's is one of Peter's favorite places to hang out.  He and a group of friends go there every Wednesday for trivia night.  And a lot of times they win but usually they come in behind this one team that always wins. Peter has dubbed them their rivals and they strive every week to beat this team.

On Sunday morning we went to Mass and then had lunch at MoJo's Burger Joint, one of Peter's favorite burger places in Raleigh.  After lunch we dropped Peter back off at his apartment and then we headed home.

It was such a nice weekend and I'm glad we stayed for two nights.  It was so nice getting to know some of Peter's friends better and we enjoyed getting to know Cal's parents better as well.  I miss Peter but it's nice to know he's got good friends and I think he's right where he's supposed to be.  

Here are some pictures from the weekend.  Sadly I didn't get any of us with Peter's friends or friends parents.  I'm the worst at getting pictures or asking for group shots so there are no photos from Friday night or Saturday night.

The lady photobombing us with the Wolfie made me laugh.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

UNCC Parent's Weekend 2024

Dan and I aren't all work and no play!  We managed to squeeze in a fun 36 hours in Charlotte this past weekend.

It was Parent's Weekend at UNC Charlotte!  We headeddown on Saturday morning and picked our girl up from her apartment and went to the Delta Zeta house for lunch. We got to meet some of Sarah's sweet sisters and some parents.

From there we headed out to get Dan a different UNCC tee shirt.  He didn't like the one he was wearing because it had a pocket on the front of it.   And I agree with him, tee shirts with pockets are weird.  We also helped Sarah put air in her tires. She knows how to do it herself but the free air station on campus was out of order and since we were out and about in her car, Dan did it at the gas station.

We went back to her apartment, got her roomie and bestie Gabi, and went to check into our hotel before the game.  Then we headed to the tailgate lot.  There we met Sarah's big sister.  She was the sweetest thing and had the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen. 

Then we headed to the football game.  The 49ers were losing the entire game.  But then the quarterback got injured(he was the 2nd string qb), they put in the third string guy and they ended up winning. So that was exciting. I'm glad we stayed.  We always stay even if the team is losing.  I heard some parents in the hotel lobby lamenting that they left at half time so they missed the comeback.  Ummmm, that's why you stay! 

On Sunday morning we headed to Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral which is where Dan and I got married 24 years and 6 days ago. It was so nice to be there almost 24 years from our wedding date. The church is so beautiful on the inside.  

After Mass we went to lunch with our girl and then dropped her off at her apartment where she said she had laundry to do and studying.  We gave her lots of hugs and headed home.  

It was just so nice to spend time with her. I miss having her around but I'm so thankful that she's happy, and thriving, and living her best life! That brings this mom great peace. 

Here are pretty much the only pictures I took....

The Delta Zeta house is so cute on the inside.  I should have taken more pictures.

The girls make huge banners for every occasion and hang them over the door.  Just pretend the whole banner is showing in this photo. :)

Us with Gabi at the tailgate lot.

At the game.  Sarah was in the student section with her friends. 

St Patrick' Cathedral

Just two love birds who have gained some weight and some wrinkles over the last 24 years of marriage.       

Lunch after Mass with a side of Panthers football. We had to watch it on the big screen tv's but the Panther's were at home and downtown Charlotte was hoping with tailgate parties and fans everywhere. Unfortunately, it looks like it's going to be another loooooonnnnnngggggg season.

And here are a few pictures of Sarah's little apartment after she and Gabi decorated....

These are the blackout curtains that Dan hung for Sarah on a day that I was working.  Sarah said they help her sleep so much better. 

I know I shared this one in a previous post but am putting it here again for full effect. :)
Pink chair, of course!

Friday, August 30, 2024

We squeezed in a trip to the Cape!

It has been such a busy summer for all of us!  As you know, once the kids got out of school, we headed to Italy.  It was a dream trip and I am so glad we got that time together in such a beautiful place.

Immediately upon returning home, Peter started his internship at the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh and Sarah started her internship at The Bethesda Center for the Homeless in Winston-Salem.  Both kids learned a lot and had really good experiences at each job.  

I have spent the summer working at my job and I think I may have mentioned it, but took a new position now.  I think technically it's called Inventory Specialist.  Basically everything that comes into the store goes through me first.  I open the box, price it, put it into our point-of-sale system, insure the invoice matches what is in the system, send back damaged items, etc.  

I think I picked up on the  new job pretty quickly and as soon as I learned my job, we got a new point of sale system and I think I've learned that pretty quickly too.  Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?!  :)

It's our buys season now as all the fall and Christmas inventory is pouring into the store daily.  It can be a little overwhelming as we have a small stock room and there are many very large boxes to be worked through.  I normally work 10-5 M-Th but have been getting there at 9:00 and staying until almost 6 most days as well as working some Fridays and Saturdays and I'm still not caught up.  But it will be like this until Novemeber.  I'm not complaining though because I really enjoy this job and the people I work with.  And having a little paycheck is nice as well. 

Sarah was able to spend over a week with her boyfriend Joe and his family traveling to a family wedding.  The wedding was in Colorado and then they headed to visit more family in California.  She had a great time with him and his family and was very excited to get to meet his extended family.  

When the kids were done with their internships (well technically Peter had to end his a few days early to make this happen) we were able to squeeze in a quick trip to the Cape. I say squeeze it in because literally we picked him up an hour after he got off work in Raleigh and headed up there and then on the way back, we dropped him off on a Friday evening, got home with Sarah, packed up the car and headed to Charlotte the next day to move her into her new apartment.  All because classes started that Monday.  

Old dogs may be able to learn new tricks but all that traveling and moving sure made this dog tired!  But it was all worth it because we got in another family vacation (I will always be thankful for time spent with my people) and got everyone where they needed to be in the nick of time!  

We were able to spend some time with Dan's brother and his family as well as Dan's uncle.  We got in a Red Sox game.  Sarah's boyfriend Joe was in town for a different Red Sox game and was able to join us on the Cape for 24 hours.  We relaxed on the beach a lot and just enjoyed time together as a family.  After all the going, going, going, in Italy, it was so nice just to relax and hang out with one another.  And other than a little rain at the baseball game and a lot of rain on the way home from it, the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  

With the kids back in school and  Dan and I  back at work, we are adjusting to the empty nest again. I enjoy my time with him but I do miss my babies.  Thankfully they both text every day and keep us posted and up to date on everything so that makes it better.  They both seem to be happy and thriving where they are so that makes me happy.  

Here are some pictures from our summer....

Peter's still living with his fraternity brothers this year but only 5 guys live here instead of 12.  It's much nicer than the other place and so far, he's very happy living here.  Hoping and praying for a great senior year!

This is always a beautiful sight to see after two days of driving!!!!

Peter and his friends have discovered the movie Good Will Hunting so when we were in Boston for the Red Sox game we stopped by the L Street Tavern which is in the movie.

Peter in front of the L Street Tavern
At the game.  They lost but we still had fun!

My little family enjoying the afternoon on the beach.

Joe joined us for 24 hours.  He had met a friend in Boston for the Red Sox game that was the night after ours.  Then he took the bus from Boston to the Cape and Sarah picked him up at the bus station in Hyannis.  

Dan and I were up before the kids every morning and took nice long walks along the beach and around the neighborhood.  Such a great way to start the day.
So peaceful.

Of course, we had to take Joe to Captain Parker's so he could try their famous clam chowder.  It is soooooooo good!

Clam Chowder with Clam Cakes and a Lemon Dill Aioli.  YUM!!!!!

At the JFK Memorial Park in Hyannis.

AT the beach with the Best Day Ever.  He even has the koozie to prove it!

My sweet girl.

After our nightly ice cream...the views are lovely.

Every year, we allow Peter one Lobster Roll.  They are very expensive.  This year we went to Brax Landing in Harwich Port.  The food was delicious and the view was great and Peter said the Lobster Roll was the best one he's had yet.

Look at Sarah's giant plate of nachos!!!
We always try to make it to Grey's Beach for the sunset once during our visit.  It never disappoints.  Bring your bug spray though!

Me and my favorite girl.

Dan and the kids took a bike ride one evening while I was preparing dinner and he sent me this cute pic.

And this one.

Another selfie from one of our walks.
Dan and Peter decided to go to Hyannis one afternoon while Sarah and I were on the beach.  They stopped to pose with Iyannough, the Indian whom Hyannis is named after.

And then just like that, our Cape trip was over, we drove the two days home and got up bright and early the next day and moved this beautiful girl into her apartment.    

And the day after that, we celebrated my brother's birthday at Mom's house.  It was just Mom, Brad, Dan, and Me but it was nice to be home and back in a routine