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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Sunday lunch to celebrate my two favorite ladies!

Today is my sweet Sarah's 20th birthday!  We celebrated her 20th and my mom's 81st on Sunday.  I made lunch and Sarah and I both tag teamed on a delicious strawberry cake.  (It was moist and delicious and so veyr strawberry-eeee.  I would definitely make this again!)

 Lunch was simple - I did a baked potato and salad  bar with all the fixings plus pulled rotisserie chicken and a no bean chili for the proteins - but was delicious and super easy to put together.  I was able to do most of it the day before which was a plus.

Here are a few pictures:

The birthday girls and their cake!

The birthday girls and their gifts.

Happiest of birthdays to my two favorite ladies!!!


Madeline said...

Happy birthday to Sarah and your mom!! They look beautiful! They certainly celebrated well.

Mari said...

I can not believe she is 20! What happened to that little girl? She's a beautiful young lady and I hope her 20th year is wonderful. Happy Birthday to your sweet mom too!

Gigi said...

Happy birthday to your two favorite ladies! Looks like they were feted in style!

Ernie said...

Happy birthday. That cake looks amazing. You sure know how to celebrate your people. We are all box mix cakes over here in non-awesome-ville. ;)