It's another one of those weird weeks where it's only Tuesday and I'm already very confused as to what day it is.
Dan being gone does that to me. He was supposed to be back this Wednesday. But then he said it would be Friday. And now it said it will be likely next Wednesday or Thursday. So if that happens, his 13 day trip is going to turn into a 21 day trip.
Boo. Hiss.
And poor thing. Not only has he worked every day since he's been gone -
including weekends, HE IS GOING TO MISS THE SUPER BOWL.
And to further add to my confusion about the day - we woke up to the slightest bit of snow on the ground so Sarah had a one hour delay and Peter had a 2 hour day. However, as I am normally one to turn lemons into lemonade, I took Peter to Dunkin Donuts to kill 45 minutes between when I dropped Sarah off at school and when I had to have Peter back there for his carpool.
Peter got a vanilla truffle donut which he declared, "DELICIOUS" and I got a medium coffee with cream and Splenda which I also declared, "DELICIOUS".
After I dropped him off, I headed to the grocery store to stock up on frozen foods because when Daddy ain't home, Momma don't cook. (Say that in your best redneck accent because that's how I said it.)
So let's backtrack to Friday. When I last left you, I was complaining of a head cold and stated that I was going to clean out my closet.
The head cold wasn't horrible but it left me with no desire to clean. But I persevered and got half of it cleaned out. I didn't have any motivation to finish it because I knew the kids were going to be gone all weekend thus leaving me home alone with nothing to do but clean out my closet.
When the kids got home from school, I took Sarah to work at another cookie booth to sell more Girl Scout cookies. Then Peter packed his bag and I took him to Boy Scouts where he left for a snow tubing trip to WinterPlace, West Virginia.
When Sarah was done with her booth, I took her and Chey to get Mexican food for dinner. The next afternoon, Sarah had to work in the cookie booth again so I spent the rest of the time making a delicious coconut cream pie and cleaning out my closet. It looks much, much better and I don't cringe every time I walk in there now.
I picked Peter back up from his trip around 9:00 pm on Saturday and then before I knew it, it was time for Mass.
Yesterday was the first day of Catholic Schools Week so I spent the morning at school putting together a balloon rosary. After we got done, some of my old PTO friends and I went to brunch/lunch and then headed back to school to pray the rosary with the kids and watch as the 8th grade released it.
Peter had Boy Scouts last night and now, it's Tuesday and you are all caught up.
And because what's a blog post without pictures? Nothing! Here are a few from the weekend:
Sarah's GS Troop found one of those rocks that people paint and hide around for others to find. One of the girls is going to take it and re-hide it somewhere else. |
Peter sent me these pictures while he was tubing:
Heading up to the top of the hill... |
About to head down! |
The delicious coconut cream pie I made! It's one of my dad's favorites. You can see his big smile in the background! |
And finally, here are a few shots from the rosary:
It's hard to tell, but all the middle school kids are seated around a balloon/bead of the rosary. The principal, Sister Geri, went around to each one and held the microphone so they could lead the school in the prayer that corresponds with their bead. This at the beginning. | | | | |
There's Sarah! |
And here are some pictures from outside:
May my prayers rise like incense to the heavens...