It's Miracle Monday!
Today I would like to share with you a miracle that Michelle from Scribbit posted on her blog. If you've never visited her blog you should. Michelle lives in Alaska and writes about her life there as well as a multitude of other things - including cooking, knitting, crafting, parenthood and writing.
But back to her miracle. Her son Andrew was on a Boy Scout camping/rafting trip when the raft her son was in as well as another raft full of scouts hit a tree branch and tipped over. The leaders and the scouts were thrown into the icy Alaskan Kenai river. Two of the boys were swept down the river.
They were all rescued from the water and were safe and sound.
And as Michelle put it, "By the time he called me they'd all been rescued and emergency people had shown up to make sure no one was hypothermic and that everyone was safe but I think it shook them all up a bit. Isn't it crazy how life can do that? Everything is going great then one second later you're in a life-threatening situation. It could have gone so horribly but I tell you that is what PFDs (personal flotation devices) and prayers are for. You don't go on a river without either."
Michelle's right. You should never go rafting without prayers or personal flotation devices. In life you have to do what you can to keep yourself safe and then you have to ask the Lord to take care of the rest.
Thank the Lord for protecting Michelle's son and all the other scouts that day!
If you want to participate in Miracle Monday, it's easy. Just write a post about a miracle and link it back here using Mr. Linky. Feel free to copy and paste the Miracle Monday button into your post and mention my blog.