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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

My house has a revolving door, the birds are all grown up, a good book, and my new favorite spice!

Dan left for Ireland again on Saturday.  He will be back this Saturday and home for two weeks, then will be gone for a month.  Then home for a week and gone for two.  Then home to go on vacation then back to Ireland.  In other words, he will be gone for most of the summer.  :(

But in good news, Sarah came home on Friday afternoon as she had training/orientation at the new pool she will be working at this summer.  She headed back to Charlotte on Sunday afternoon to finish up her exams.  Peter, who is done with finals, came home Sunday night and will be here for a little bit before he heads back to Raleigh to look for a summer job. It's starting to feel like the front door is revolving...

My brother and I along with Peter will be heading to Charlotte on Thursday to pack up Sarah and bring her home for the summer.  I know she will be busy with work and friends most of the summer but it will be nice to have someone home(ish) with me while Dan is gone.

Sarah got home on Friday before I did. I was out running errands with my mom and as soon as I walked in the door, Sarah  said, "Are those new glasses?!"  I knew she would notice my new (and totally different looking!) glasses!  :)

Peter sent me this photo on Saturday...

He was telling me that the parents are spending less and less time with the babies.  And then on Sunday, he sent me this one with the caption of "My babies are all grown up."

And let me tell you, I felt that caption. I responded with some crying face emojis and saved him from a discourse on how hard it is to watch your babies leave but that they have to because it's how life works - it means the parents have successfully done their job. I also failed to mention that Empty Nest Syndrome is real and will leave you feeling a little sad even though you've done your job well. 

We are both wondering if the birds will come back to the same spot nest time they have a brood.  I was googling and doves attempt 2-5 nestings a year up until September. He may get to see another set of babies as doves typically use the same nesting spot if they had a successful brood there.

I just finished Defending Jacob, a book that was recommended to me by Gigi. I thoroughly enjoyed it! It was well written and there were a couple of twists and turns at the end that I did not see coming.  My only issue with it (and I have this issue with a lot of books) is that 90% of the book is the basis of the story and then the last 10% is twists, turns, wrapping things up, etc and you are left reeling a bit.  So I needed some time to process the last couple of chapters but it was a great book and even though it was long, I read it in a week. Thanks, Gigi!  

Before I go (I need to get my walk in before it gets too hot - it's supposed to be 84 today), I wanted to share this spice with you...(Sorry for the screenshot.  I'm too lazy to get up, go to the kitchen, take a picture, upload it to the computer etc....)

This stuff is so good!  I enjoy salads but have trouble eating them without a ton of dressing so I've started putting this on my lettuce and it adds so much flavor that I hardly need dressing.  

The ingredient list is as follows: Salt Crystals (Earth and Sea), Hydrolyzed Soy Protein (No Added MSG), Soy Granules, Mellow Toasted Onion, Nutritional Yeast, Garlic, Orange Powder, Dill, Kelp, Horseradish, Mustard Flour, Orange and Lemon Peel, Celery Granules and Powder, Sweet Green and Red Bell Peppers, Parsley Flakes, Celery Root Powder, White Pepper, Turmeric, Rosehips, Summer Savory, Onion Powder, Parsley Powder, Mushroom Powder, Coriander, Fenugreek, Basil, Cayenne Pepper, Spinach Powder, Cloves, Cumin, Ginger, Marjoram, Oregano, Thyme, Tarragon, Cinnamon, Safflower, Paprika, Tomato, Rosemary, Celery Seed Ground. 

Have you guys ever used it?  Does anyone have any other tips on how to eat less dressing on a salad - because to me that's the best part!


Ernie said...

No tips on skipping dressing. It is the best part. Although I like hard boiled egg too.

The bird flying the nest is so timely and so funny.

Of course Sarah recognized your new specs. Summer is almost here and I'm so excited. Hope your people hang out long enough to make you feel like the door is not revolving.

Madeline said...

I am actually so glad Sarah noticed your glasses! And that she will be around again soon. Especially with Dan gone!

There are some good parallels between your house and Peter's windowsill to be sure.

Mari said...

I'm glad Sarah noticed your new glasses!
So sweet to get that note from Peter.
I never heard of Spike but it sounds good!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have had a busy spring and summer will be even busier. Enjoy.

Gigi said...

Yes, empty nest syndrome is real - and gives you a combo of happy/sad all at the same time.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the book! That ending was not what I expected at all!

Pat Birnie said...

I have never heard of that spice - I’ll look for it, but it may not have made it to Canada yet. I don’t like a lot of dressing on my salads, but if that’s a challenge try some avocado, feta & a hard boiled egg - adds a lot of flavour. (That’s basically my lunch every day - those things on a huge salad). Also add a little extra balsamic- a really good quality one, or a flavoured one. These up the flavour but no extra calories.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I'll have to look for that seasoning. I find if I add something crunchy to my salads, it makes them better. Lately we're adding dried chic peas; they're yummy!
Of course Sarah noticed your glasses: SHE'S A GIRL!
Yay for healthy baby birds who are starting a new life.