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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Weather and workouts.

They are calling for snow around these parts starting this afternoon.  Schools are letting out early so all the kiddos can get home before the roads get too slick.  The latest forecast calls for between 1 - 11.5 inches of accumulation! How's that for not having any idea how much snow to expect?

I am also anticipating that schools will be closed tomorrow if we get any amount of accumulation because we haven't had any snow days so far, so they might as well close to "be safe rather than sorry" and use up one of those snow days that are already built into the calendar.  It's supposed to be in the 50s this weekend so anything we get will be gone by Monday.

In other equally boring news, I have been trying to go to the gym at least 4 times a week.  I'm not doing anything crazy - 30 to 45 minutes on the Precor (elliptical) and then rotating through some of the weigh machines.

And guess how much weight I've lost in the last 3 weeks?






(Okay, I'm done now.)

That's all I've got for today but I will be sure to check in tomorrow and let you know whether we got 1 inch or 11.5!


Madeline said...

Ha, that is one heck of a forecast. I wonder why they can't predict with more accuracy than that!?

Hopefully, you get on the low end of snowfall amounts and it is gone by Monday!

Have a good next workout! I am sure you're doing great.

Gigi said...

I haven't heard that forecast and I sure hope the 11.5 is wrong! No matter what happens though the roads will definitely be icy in the morning...I guess I get to sleep in a bit then. ;-)

Mari said...

What a crazy forecast! I hope you don't end up with much snow - 11.5 would be too much.
Good for you for working out. I need to get going on that and just keep procrastinating.

Ernie said...

That COULD be a lot of snow. Our very good friends' nephew was killed in a snow related wreck driving home from the Catholic high school a tear before Lad was born. Devastating.

It is tough as hell to get rid of excess weight at our age. Damn it. But SO easy to put it on. I had just loat the 3 pounds gained when I hurt my knee when my knee got hurt again.

Liftibg weights causes your body to burn fat all day vs cardio stops as soonas workout stops. With this knee relapse, I have been trying to focus more on weights in addition to riding the bike about 8-10 miles a day. I was never a bike rider but loving that I can read while on the bike. Two birds, one (sweaty) stone.