I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know I did.
Apparently, the weird short-yet-really -ong week last week meant that I haven't posted anything here in 8 days so there's lots to be updated. Let's just pick up right where I left off...
On Monday morning I headed to the eye doctor where I ordered new glasses. I have chosen some very bold frames. I think they may take some getting used to but I hope they look good. They are actually the first pair I picked out but then changed to a different pair I liked better. But then the person that was fitting them told me they were way too wide for my face and would distort my vision. So I went back to my original first choice and she and another staff member both agreed they looked good. I hope they weren't blowing smoke up my.... So, fingers crossed!
Last Monday, Sarah had her first high school swim meet. I drove to Dan's work and picked him up and we headed to Mt. Airy. We found the pool and finally found where to park and by the time we got inside, we had already missed Sarah's first event. Boo.
Then, we missed her second event because I couldn't hear the PA system and wasn't sure which event was happening and all the kids look the same when they have on matching swimsuits and swim caps. BUT, we did manage to pay enough attention that we got to see her swim in her last two events.
Sarah swam great! I was so proud of her (she was nervous) and both the men's and women's team won! She has another meet this Thursday. Luckily it's at home so we won't have to drive as far to get there and hopefully I can actually see her swim all her events. The high school meets are more fast paced than the summer league meets so you have to be on your toes!
One of the dads took a ton of pictures and here are a few he got of Sarah:
My girl got FIRST place in her 200 backstroke! |
The kids were out of school on Wednesday. I had two doctor's appointments and in between those, I got to drive Sarah to Greensboro for a Friendsgiving lunch with 10 of her friends from school. While she was doing that I killed time at Costco (not a smart move the day before Thanksgiving) and Target. When she got in the car to head back home she told me that they all drew names for a Secret Santa gift exchange and there would be a Christmas get together as well.
I came home from all the appointments and chauffeuring and made sweet potato casserole and cheesecake for Thanksgiving. And other than the fact that on Thanksgiving day I burned the marshmallows (well, actually set the marshmallows blazing - I wish I had video of all of us trying to put out the fire in the oven!) they and the cheesecake were delicious.
My mom and dad went all out with turkey, twice baked potatoes, chicken dressing, smoked wings, and bean salad. And Jennifer brought some delicious apps as well as lots of delicious desserts.
It was a lovely day shared with family and friends and my only regret is that I didn't get a picture of all of us at my parent's house. The only thing I managed was this over exposed family selfie before we went next door:
On Friday, the boys mowed the grass and did yard work for the final time this year and Sarah and I put up all the window wreaths and candles. We are going to get our tree next Saturday but wanted to get the outside decorations up to have that out of the way.
And then on Saturday we went to look for a truck for Peter. And once again we were disappointed. On our way there, Peter asked if I had called ahead because even though this was a differnt dealership it was also an hour away and I responded, "No. We called ahead last time and that didn't help so I figured why bother."
I really should have called ahead. This sales guy was very helpful BUT the car that they had posted on their website with a sales price was not actually for sale. Apparently it did not pass their inspection and instead of being put on their retail lot, it was going off to be sold at a wholesale car auction. UGH!
The helpful sales manager did find another one in our price and miles range but it was just coming out of the service shop. It had passed inspection but had not been detailed. We told him we would still like to look at it.
Y'all! This car was filthy! I was so grossed out by the dirt and stains and general condition of the car that I just could not get past it. Plus, there was a large hole in the truck bed (something had eaten right through the bed liner and the bed) and the paint was faded and worn. "But it runs great!" said the salesman.
We didn't even bother to test drive it because I wasn't going to get inside that nasty thing. It's going to take a lot of "detailing" to get that thing up to par. I have a feeling that one might be heading to the wholesale auction as well.
Sunday was Mass and football and Sarah was in the Midway Christmas parade again. Her Girl Scout troop used to have a float every year but stopped last year. This year, their leader (who fundraises for
Victory Junction) drove the Victory Junction truck in the parade and the girls went along to throw out candy. (According to Sarah, Taylor Swift donated this truck - you can see her name on the side.) Victory Junction is a camp for kids with serious medical conditions. They can go to camp for free and do all the normal camp activities kids without medical conditions can do.
And here we are already at Tuesday again! I hope you all have a great week!